
You have searched for: 'gdpr'

Are You Compliant With GDPR?

I’ve recently read a report where the headline stated: Only 28% of firms say they are compliant with the GDPR today, with 30% “close to compliance”. It’s a shocking statistic. It’s even worse when you realise that, in all probability, a significant proportion of the 28% is wrong and they are not compliant. If you … READ MORE »

The Positives And Negatives Of GDPR

This is not going to be an overview of the entire effects of the Regulations, but mainly how the provisions have affected email marketing. Many suggested, during the prolonged gestation of the GDPR, that the compromises forced on the regulators would ensure that it would be toothless and unfocused. Has this turned out to be … READ MORE »

The Second Anniversary Of The GDPR

A little more than two years ago we were concerned about the implications of the GDPR which, after a gestation period of some five years, had finally been implemented. The predictions were varied. Some suggested it would be just the thing to reassure customers and encourage them to join email marketing lists, while others suggested … READ MORE »

GDPR and how it does not affect Christmas

I know you are not that interested in my problems, not with Christmas coming and not knowing if Brexit is, but getting known as a writer on the GDPR and email marketing has a certain downside this time of the year. I’m being pointed to as the bloke who told the headmistress of my grandchildren’s … READ MORE »

Responding to GDPR requests for personal data

If you have email marketing lists it's likely that you will receive requests from subscribers for details of the personal data you hold. You might already have had some from those who, inspired by the saturation publicity that the GDPR has generated, just want to be first in their group to do so. We recommended some … READ MORE »

What GDPR requires for portable data?

Every email marketing company should know the difference between personal data and portable data. One you should avoid transporting, the other is mandatory to send if requested.  The GDPR allows individuals to demand and reuse their personal data for their own purposes. The premise is that they might want to transfer their data to another … READ MORE »

Processing your email marketing lists & GDPR

You may have missed the £120,000 fine awarded against the Kensington and Chelsea council for improper disclosure of the personal details of nearly 1000 residents. The illegal act wasn’t deliberate but as a result of ignorance of an individual. If you’ve got email marketing lists then beware. For instance, the regulations around portable data are … READ MORE »

GDPR & permissions for email marketing lists

At least, not quite too late. If you haven’t obtained new permissions in order to conform to the GPDR then there’s no time to waste. Don’t panic, but do start now. You need to contact all those on your email marketing lists. You could segment them, using the best method of contact as the criterion.  … READ MORE »

Not time to lose; GDPR and email marketing

I’ve had some strange emails over the last week or so. Some are ostensibly email marketing, others are newsletters, and most of these have been generated by the need to check my permissions. This is cutting it fine. There is a variation of forms of enquiries. One, from a company which I subscribe to their … READ MORE »

When will the GDPR affect email marketing?

I’ve received 17 emails and one letter regarding the GDPR. They have all asked me to confirm my details and permissions. One apologised, rather oddly, for contacting me outside of the ‘normal’ contact methods. Normal here, I think, implies in conformity with the current regulations.  It shows that many companies are treating the GDPR as … READ MORE »


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