
You have searched for: 'newsletter'

Email newsletters – the bad news

If you are happy with the way your email marketing company is going but would like to increase the numbers on your email lists, what could be better than start a newsletter? It seems like a good idea. Why not give it a go? One reason to wait a bit might be that if you … READ MORE »

Newsletter integration

A digital newsletter can be an effective marketing tool on its own. A list of its advantages reads like the ultimate weapon: it has a higher open rate than email marketing, it can enhance your image, contribute to customer support, increase sales, promote your logo, generate loyalty and is a medium for customer communication. And … READ MORE »

Get the measure of newsletters

A newsletter seems to go against the basic tenets of good business. You must make the content worthwhile so it will have intrinsic value and here you are, giving it away free of charge. The only justification for the investment of time, effort and money is a reasonable return. So how can you prove it … READ MORE »


The humble email newsletter appears to be viewed as the poor relation of direct email marketing. It often lies abandoned in a corner, or rather on the computer of someone who has much more important work to complete. Yet it has the potential, realised by many companies, to be an equal partner to its much … READ MORE »

How To Cheaply Change Email Design

It is a truism that most people do not like change. But don’t let that fool you: it is true. Yet customers expect change. If you stick with the same old, you will appear to these change-haters as someone who doesn’t care. You need to ensure you do not upset the subscribers to email marketing … READ MORE »

A Simple Brand Building Method

Using email marketing as a method of brand building is so effective that many companies refrain from investing in other methods. This could well be a mistake. Missing out on simple and cheap ways of presenting your company to a much wider catchment is a fundamental error. I edited a magazine. You are not interested … READ MORE »

What To Say About The Mini Budget

I’ve had an email from my accountant. Not the concerning moment you might think as I subscribe to their newsletter and ‘incident related’ emails. They obviously know about my job in email marketing and mostly keep the information they send relevant to my needs. That’s something we should all learn from. The personalisation means I … READ MORE »

How Videos Can Increase Engagement

Last year we mentioned video in email marketing was not the coming thing; it has arrived. It’s not for everyone. It might not increase your open rates. However, it seems many are using it and, unless they are not split-testing, it is probable that it works for them. Come on – give it a go. … READ MORE »

Balance Loyalty Generated Against ROI

The heading on a just published magazine, ‘How to Save Money Now!’ was identical to the Subject Line of a newsletter that dropped into my inbox. It’s as if they are trying to tell me something. There’s been little in the way of a counter-argument to the accepted premise that we are dropping into a … READ MORE »

Use Every Interface To Generate Loyalty

I’ve just bought an item directly from the manufacturer. Unusually, I did not buy via an offer in a marketing email. I received an email acknowledgement of my order within an hour, which also gave a window for delivery and, also unusually, a rather comprehensive précis of the legislation covering consumer rights. I can’t remember … READ MORE »


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