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An Introduction To Split Testing

In these blogs, the importance of repeated testing is often reinforced. Split-testing, also known as A/B testing, is the way of perfecting all forms of email communication, but particularly those used in email marketing. It can, should actually, be used for landing pages as well. It’s the most effective way of increasing ROI. Intuition can … READ MORE »

Results Of Split Testing Can’t Be Wrong

The mantra of ‘believe the data’ has served email marketing well over the years and has proved to be one of the most beneficial tools we have in our box. We test a single point and the data is returned much quicker than any other form of marketing and we are able to make an … READ MORE »

Split Testing Should Be Reductive Not Binary

One of the few benefits of lockdown is that every week my family enjoys what amounts to an online get-together where we catch up on what’s happened to the various members. We also play together, despite restrictions. One popular party game is what we call 20 Questions, although it probably has any number of other … READ MORE »

The Most Effective Way To Use Split Testing

You will have been told that you should test everything you do, and then test again. An email marketing campaign that doesn’t include a split test somewhere in it is a waste. You’ll never get that opportunity again. Split testing is a simple system of problem solving. You identify something that is of concern, for … READ MORE »

Can You Trust The Returns From A Split Test?

Split testing is just about as dependable a tool as we have for validating a change in an email marketing campaign. We have an original, the control, and we compare it to one, the variant, that has a single feature that is different from the control. It stands to reason that if the variant gives … READ MORE »

Going beyond split testing; your data returns

You have a brilliant idea that will secure you an increase in completions. You have confidence that it will be something of a revolution but as you’ve been in email marketing for more than a few months you accept that you need to split test your next campaign to prove how good it is. Split … READ MORE »

A/B Testing or Split Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, is a favoured tool of email marketing. It gives a rapid, dependable and accurate response to single variations in content. It is effective regardless of the size of the email marketing list. In addition, it is so simple that there is no excuse for not running a test on most … READ MORE »

What is the latest email marketing idea?

There’s a simple answer to the question, but let’s leave it for a few moments and consider the difficulties of coming up with some revolutionary inspiration that will put your latest email marketing campaign into the vanguard. Most writers are asked where they get their ideas from and the answer often disappoints. Mostly it is … READ MORE »

How to test email marketing templates

Free email marketing templates are probably one of the most significant reasons companies pick a particular provider. After all, that’s one aspect of email marketing that requires little input. You are presented with a form where all you have to do is pick the colour, insert a header and then it’s down to heading, copy … READ MORE »

Received wisdom and testing in email marketing

You will have been told by everyone, including me, that when testing you should only change one feature at a time. Do you wonder if your call to action button is somehow not optimum for a specific type of person in your email marketing list? Then wonder no more. A simple A/B test and you … READ MORE »


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