
You have searched for: 'testimonial videos'

Using testimonial videos in email marketing

We all search through reviews when subscribing to an email marketing list or considering buying a product from a new supplier. After all, there are some real crooks out there.  One of the most compelling forms of review is a testimonial where the person allows their name to be used. How much better is a … READ MORE »

Using videos to reinforce trust

As a means of supporting any campaign, video ticks all the boxes. Whether being used on a website or for email marketing, used properly there is little doubt that it is a most effective way of hitting targets. There’s a caveat though; it must be used with care and restraint. All content is not equal … READ MORE »

Producing a testimonial video? We can help

Ten points to consider when producing a testimonial video for an email marketing campaign 1/ Don’t consider There’s no doubt of the effectiveness of testimonial videos, not only in email marketing, but on websites as well. One on a landing page can negate that hesitation before clicking on ‘buy’. 2/ It’s about what you want … READ MORE »


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