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Main mobile mistakes with email marketing

The argument is over. Mobile devices have won with regards to email marketing. According to recent research, most websites are visited via mobile devices and it appears that it won’t be long before the majority of purchases are completed via them as well. Remarkably a significant number of marketing emails are not mobile friendly. Here … READ MORE »

Mobile email marketing

As far as email marketing is concerned, the argument is over: you should design for mobile devices intitally. Reading emails is one of the main reasons – the one according to some surveys – for people to buy and use a smartphone. Historically, the layout and choices when designing a marketing email have been made … READ MORE »

Helping Those struggling With Accessibility

There was an interesting online article entitled ‘Essential services websites in UK should be accessible to all’. It’s not aimed specifically at email marketing but the problems identified, which include the fact that many people have problems accessing the internet and emails, give some useful information for us when targeting our emails. The article concentrates … READ MORE »

Visual Hierarchy In Your Marketing Emails

We recently briefly mentioned visual hierarchy in the design of emails and webpages. You might think that, as the creators of your free email marketing templates have taken the matter into consideration, you can safely ignore it and just drag and drop your copy and images. What could go wrong? There is a slight difficulty … READ MORE »

Make Your Marketing Emails Accessible

I, like 15% of adults, have impaired hearing. I didn’t do it the cool way, by clubbing all through my life, or playing the drums in a rock band. That wouldn’t be so bad. Before I was into email marketing, I used to fire guns, mainly in a range. Who’d have thought that might harm … READ MORE »

The Next Step For Your Email Campaign

We’ve recently discussed the first three matters that need to be settled when you are planning an email marketing campaign: what the purpose is, who would be interested and the specifics of that group of subscribers. These are the basics. Everything you do now should be built on this foundation. While those on your segmented email … READ MORE »

Add Lightness To Your Email Campaign

In bygone days, where there were no minimum weight limits, there was an adage in a formula one team design studio that ran; ‘simplify and add lightness’. It has a certain ring to it. As adages go, it covers all the essentials. It was expressed by others in a manner not quite so musically; ‘the … READ MORE »

Always Modify An Email Template

I don’t like being prescriptive, but it is not a good idea to use an email marketing template ‘straight out of the box’. It will have been designed by a professional, and as you’ve had no graphic art experience, you might not feel the need to prove it by messing it up.  There’s only so … READ MORE »

Preheader is important to your subscribers

It is best to assume that the default position is that everyone reads their email on a mobile. In other words, you work back from that premise, personalising your segmented email marketing lists for the few who do not. The natural follow-on is that you should design your email marketing campaigns to ensure all aspects … READ MORE »


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