Email marketing is a bit like steam powered ships. The advantages are so overwhelming that it is tempting to start anew, wipe the slate clean and seek other clichés. But care should be taken. I don’t want to extend the analogy too far but for many years boats had steam and sail power, getting the benefits of both.
The most sensible way of using other forms of communication is in support of an email marketing campaign. Looked at logically, using posters to advertise films, where movement is implicit, is a bit odd. But it works. It seems sensible therefore to consider other forms of communication in support of an email marketing campaign.
Alternatives can be used to prepare the way. A campaign in magazines for instance, including advertisements and articles, could be used to let people know that they will be receiving exciting offers in the near future so they should watch out for them. What might that do to your open rate?
Just because it costs so much more than email marketing, do not ignore mail shots. Perhaps limit the costs by targeting just those on your email lists whom you think might give a decent return on investment. Those who, for instance, seem reluctant to open emails. Prepare them, build their anticipation and, every bit as important, deliver a well.
There are considerable costs to trade shows so it is essential that you wring every last advantage out of them. Actively encourage your staff to obtain addresses for your email lists. Make it easy to subscribe, perhaps by way of an internet-linked computer.
Do not separate your sales and servicing. Send flyers with deliveries and invoices. If they telephone with a query, tell them that such questions are covered in your fortnightly newsletter, which, of course, supports your campaign. Every face to face by a member of staff should lead to an attempt to add to your email lists.
Costs will become even more important in the near future so value for money is an essential consideration for all businesses. But that should not blind you to the simple pleasures of the mail shot or the phone call.