
You have searched for: 'Subject Lines'

What Has Dune To Do With Subject Lines?

Choosing the best subject line for an email marketing campaign is a critical decision. If you go for bland, you’ll upset none of your subscribers although, of course, you won’t interest any of them either. If your subscribers don’t open the email, all your efforts are wasted. An effective subject line can intrigue, engage, entice … READ MORE »

There Are Risks To Over-Egging Subject Lines

I sincerely hope it is obvious that I indulge in a great deal of research on email marketing, as well as other related forms of marketing. I actually enjoy researching. In fact, I get easily sidetracked and an hour or more can go past where I’ve wandered off onto other subjects just because I found … READ MORE »

Ensuring Your Subject Lines Stand Out

I’ve recently received a marketing email from Amazon offering 80 books at £1 each, this despite many of them being offered for 99p. Why not ‘under £1’ in the Subject Line? Moving on, Amazon email marketing is not an unending source of inspiration, but then they probably feel they don’t have to be as the … READ MORE »

Unending Source Of Inspiring Subject Lines

The search for effective Subject Lines for an email marketing campaign is the bane of anyone whose job it is to write it. It’s bad enough sitting in front of a blank Word document waiting for inspiration to hit, but it’s much worse trying to pick the few words on which the success of the … READ MORE »

Subject Lines For Christmas Campaigns

You are probably as fed up with Black Friday and Cyber Monday email marketing campaigns as are the subscribers to your email marketing lists. They’ve probably been more stressed than you as they will have seen their preview pane a mess of Black, Cyber, Friday, Monday and Weeks. How did you do? Were you as … READ MORE »

Look to other professions for subject lines

I’ve mentioned before, and will mention again, that in order to get ahead of your competitors you must go outside of email marketing to look for ideas that might work for you. Take Subject Lines.  I’ve just written a book and I’m struggling, as always, to come up with the perfect title. It is non-fiction … READ MORE »

Subject lines that guarantee things

There is no guarantee of anything in email marketing except, perhaps, that being dishonest in a Subject Line will lose subscribers. Is there anything you can do to increase your open rates? One way of looking at a Subject Line is as a newspaper headline. They have, in essence, the same function: to get people … READ MORE »

Email Marketing: Short, sweet subject lines

Everyone in email marketing says that readers scan the content. This goes for the Subject line in their inbox as well. Out of the ten or so words presented to them, those in your email lists will register just two or three. Whilst this might seem to be a real obstacle in your path it … READ MORE »

Attention Grabbing ‘Subject’ Lines

The design of the ‘Subject’ line in direct email marketing will depend on the recipient to a great extent. If we take a subscriber who has been on your email marketing list for some time and is a regular, if intermittent, purchaser, then you will be aware what excites their interest. For those who have … READ MORE »

5 ‘Subject’ Lines

Whilst your regulars might well trust you to make them a relevant offer, for those new to your email marketing list, the ‘Subject’ line is probably the one on which the decision whether to open the email or not is based. In other words, this one bit of the email might well be the most … READ MORE »


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