Email Campaign Management

What Has Dune To Do With Subject Lines?

Choosing the best subject line for an email marketing campaign is a critical decision. If you go for bland, you’ll upset none of your subscribers although, of course, you won’t interest any of them either. If your subscribers don’t open the email, all your efforts are wasted. An effective subject line can intrigue, engage, entice or excite; and that’s a non-exhaustive list. 

Some of those on your email marketing list might be more susceptible to intrigue. The above heading is, hopefully, enough to generate in many people the curiosity as to what it is all about. There you are, intrigue and curiosity; I told you the list was non-exhaustive. A question often works well. The receiver might think to themselves they haven’t got a clue and the only way of discovering the answer is to open the email. Dune is a little on the risky side as it’s a bit obscure. There’s the possibility that the obscurity itself might generate a few opens. Who knows?

Science-fiction is a niche genre, especially in the form that Dune portrays it, but given its high profile early in 2022, a number of people would have heard about it, especially those carefully selected subscribers on your email marketing list. Once you start targeting, risk levels drop considerably.

What Has Dune To Do With Subject LinesYou know what interests those on your email marketing list and can identify those who consider price above everything else. They might respond best to a subject line which is specific, such as a percentage off, and the old favourite of ‘Our Lowest Price Ever’. That’s not to suggest they would not respond to a little joke or a ‘Look What We Have for You’. That’s not out on a limb with regards obscurity, but if it differs from your norm, it might be enough to generate an increase in open rates.

I’m a big fan of clarity over memorability, as a subject line should be forgotten as soon as it’s clicked on, although, of course, you should fulfil any promise. They won’t forget the implied revelation inherent in your subject line. You must deliver.

One of the aspects that can irritate, and irritation is something to be avoided in a marketing email, is saving an answer to the final sentence. Someone intrigued by Dune might not want to wade through half a dozen paragraphs before having it revealed. There are people who will read on regardless, but these are probably in a minority.

An unusual style of subject line can generate higher open rates, although if you use them too often they cease to be unusual and will cease to register with your subscribers. Simple, clear subject lines are sensible, but you can’t be risk-averse in email marketing as that way lies mediocrity and fading into the background.

Whether it will be worth trying an intriguing subject line for your next email marketing campaign is a question you must answer yourself. You’ll have to split-test to discover the answer. You drastically limit the chances of failure if you test.



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