Email Campaign Management

Mobile Images; The Great Untapped Resource

Whether or not the near future will be one of watching where every penny, let alone pound, is spent on email marketing, the one thing we should be searching for is a cheaper source of images. Stock images are generally of a high quality. If you’ve been searching for a specific kind of picture for your next email marketing campaign you will understand the frustration that comes with having dozens, probably hundreds, of excellent images to pick from. There are always too many.

An image which has a precise exposure, is beautifully framed, and highly detailed, the one that jumps out to you as you are sorting through your options, will probably be one of the more expensive ones. At a time where you are being careful, you might wonder if it is worth it.

From what I’ve seen, the best is normally worth every penny, but if you can’t afford it, it’s not a consideration. Additionally, every image you buy in order to use on an email marketing campaign is a risk. No matter how experienced you are, no matter how well you know your subscribers, sometimes an image will just not click with them. Whether it’s worth the risk is up to you of course.

Mobile Images; The Greatest Untapped ResourceThere is a way to limit cost.

The current age may well go down in history as the age of photography. There have never been so many photographs being taken by, seemingly, everybody because of the availability of high quality cameras in medium quality mobile phones. It has, rather oddly, hit the sale of single lens reflex cameras with interchangeable lenses. The vast majority of people don’t need them. 

It’s a resource. If you are not availing yourself of them, you are missing out.

Most people like to display their photographs. This is patently obvious if you go on to social media, where a quick perusal will refute any argument against that statement. You can offer to show these images to a wider audience.

Some companies use images generated by staff. They see it as a reward. Don’t think of it as a free resource; you should pay for an image used in an email marketing campaign, and a bit more if it will be on your website as well. Check out quality of some of the images on social media and you will wonder how professional photographers make a living, as indeed do most of them.

If this method does not give you a sufficient choice, start a competition. It might well increase brand awareness as photography competitions are generally forwarded frequently. There is the added frisson for those who take part of actually winning something, even if it is not a great deal.

You must be clear as to what you will use the images for. If you say for a marketing email, do not put it on your website, and vice versa. Do not expect to claim copyright. Give the right to withdraw an image at any time. If children are shown, ensure that you have a parent/guardian permission. All very basic.



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