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Write Copy For Subscribers Not The Product

Do you know what particular words and phrases your customers respond to best? More importantly, have you segmented your email marketing list to take this into account? How to ensure that the words and phrases you use in the body of the email relate to the specific subscriber might seem all but impossible, but we have … READ MORE »

Images: Pretty But Not Stunning

I’ve just been to see the annual prize-winning images at a local photographic club. It was a treat, with some quite remarkable, and affecting, pictures that you might consider putting in your living room. They caught the attention with their composition, use of colour and subject matter. None, of course would be any use for … READ MORE »

A Year Into The GPDR. How Was It For You?

It was suggested that the General Data Protection Regulations spelt the death of email marketing, or at least that we would have to modify our processes to an extent that would hit our return on investment. Now, after more than a year, it has shown itself to have been easy enough to cope with. I’m … READ MORE »

Brexit – Government help and advice

At the time of writing, there was no clear cut decision as to the nature of Brexit, whether it would go ahead on 31 October, or at all. Whatever your thoughts on the matter, and how it will affect email marketing, now is not the time to wait for clarification. The Government has, on, … READ MORE »

Points To Consider In Landing Page Design

The 7 points to consider in landing page design There are any number of things to consider when designing a landing page. This is email marketing, so there will be lots of options, but here is my top seven. You might disagree, but it might get you thinking.   1/ One size does not fit … READ MORE »

Landing Pages Design And Content

  There are many factors to consider when it comes to creating landing pages to back up an email marketing campaign. Much will depend on, for instance, how the person arrives at the page, and each route will require different design factors.  For instance, if they came via an online ad, you’ll know little about … READ MORE »

No One Got Rich By Giving Things Away 

  You can’t argue against it. It’s obvious that selling products at a loss does nothing for your ROI, at least not directly. Yet email marketing companies do it. Not only that, the most successful seem to do it more than the others. Therefore, they must have their reasons. For research purposes I subscribed to … READ MORE »

Your About Us page – So What About It?

Your website should be a source of leads and subscribers to your email marketing lists. So why clutter it with an About Us page? From what I’ve found when researching this article, most company websites have them. They are often beautifully laid out, the text generally inspired and the images well chosen.  How irritating is … READ MORE »

Go against received wisdom in email marketing

Let me confess from the beginning that all I’m suggesting is that following the data blindly can often be a poor option. For email marketing, data is a tool, nothing more. It needs to be kept sharp, but be careful of stabbing yourself. Let’s say that you want to split test a new email design. … READ MORE »


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