
You have searched for: 'brexit'

Post Brexit Changes To Email Marketing?

Having downtime due to lockdown, I did my annual clear-out of emails and documents I had saved over the past three years. In normal circumstances, I check each individually to see which is still relevant, but this time it was over quickly. Anything before December 2020 was deleted as it was of no practical use. … READ MORE »

How To Export In The Post Brexit World

The Biblical quotation, “For now we see through a glass, darkly;”, nicely described the situation for email marketing immediately post-Brexit. Whether or not it has delivered is of little consequence to us at the moment as all we want to know is how to deal with the day-to-day reality of trading not only with the … READ MORE »

How Will Brexit Change Email Marketing Norms?

The last day of January is when we will leave the EU. It is, whatever your wishes, a momentous day, not only politically, but many suggest there might be a threat to business interests, including email marketing. When the EU signs off the Withdrawal Agreement there will be an interval that has been called the Transition … READ MORE »

Advice for SME’s with the approach of Brexit

It is with a degree of embarrassment I admit to publishing, about a year ago, a calendar on the countdown to Brexit. The idea was to point out what small and medium sized email marketing companies needed to do to ensure a smooth transition. My only defence is that I was not the only person … READ MORE »

How SME’s Can Prepare For Brexit

Excuse me for getting personal, but Brexit, for me, is rather like waiting for my daughter to leave home. We didn’t particularly want it to happen. However, it was obvious that it would come about eventually. There were a lot of false starts. At the time of writing it seems probable that the election is … READ MORE »

Brexit – Government help and advice

At the time of writing, there was no clear cut decision as to the nature of Brexit, whether it would go ahead on 31 October, or at all. Whatever your thoughts on the matter, and how it will affect email marketing, now is not the time to wait for clarification. The Government has, on, … READ MORE »

Using Brexit concerns to boost your ROI

The UK has one of the lowest ‘buy locally’ beliefs in the world; for food products it is 51% compared to 63%. It has been suggested that this will change post Brexit. If you have British-made products in your lists, now is the time to start planning email marketing campaigns. Whilst buying British is often … READ MORE »

Brexit: Reassure Your Customers

The Brexit vote on 12 March was critical. It is likely to have an effect on business opportunities, your ROI and how you run your email marketing campaigns. Regardless of what happens from now on, it is a watershed moment for all of us. It will give your customers a great deal of concern for … READ MORE »

Calendar for Brexit and UK email marketing

The promise of Happy New Year might seem to be ironic for those involved in email marketing. Looming over everything is the spectre of Brexit and its fallout. It’s worrying for everyone, including those who are hopeful of a clean break. After all, none of us know what is going to happen.  The calendar, as … READ MORE »

Email marketing in the event of a no deal Brexit

As nothing has been decided yet, there might seem little point in an article on what will happen on 29 March to the email marketing industry in this country. However, some things are clear; there are three options ‘on the table’. There might be more but let’s go through the main ones. No Brexit If … READ MORE »


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