Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

The impossible dream for email marketing?

Many suggested that a replacement for the defunct Safe Harbour would require major changes in the ethos of the USA security services and so was unlikely to come to fruition. The short deadline given to the committee tasked with producing its replacement merely exacerbated the problems. But to defy the nay-sayers, we have the proposed … READ MORE »

Privacy Shield and email marketing

On 29 February the European Commission published its delayed update on the Privacy Shield which will, it suggests, restore trust in transatlantic data flow. It does this via an umbrella agreement ensuring high data protection standards.  It guarantees, it says, that there will be no mass surveillance by the USA because of robust obligations placed … READ MORE »

Designing a marketing email – the vital questions

It can be difficult to approach each email marketing campaign with a fresh mind and a degree of originality when it is the third one of the year. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make things easier. 1/ What excites this person? People generally buy on emotion. The trick is knowing which … READ MORE »

Is the design of your marketing email poor?

Then ask yourself these five questions. 1/ Is the design the same as you were using a year ago? Subscribers like familiarity and feel reassured when they recognise that the email comes from someone they trust. It can be sufficient to keep the banner and logo more or less that same for some time, but … READ MORE »

Creative email marketing

There is no fundamental difference between face to face selling and a marketing email. Sure, there is clever technology, email marketing templates and quick returns, but the basics are identical. It irritates me when I ‘fall for’ sales techniques in showrooms, but I comfort myself with the thought that I have that in common with … READ MORE »

Is the GDPR a threat to email marketing?

It might be difficult to work up sufficient enthusiasm for something that will not be here for another two years at least. What if I told you it could give you an edge? The draft EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) was published in January this year and now goes into the negotiation phase preparatory … READ MORE »

There is no excuse for an ugly marketing email

Way back, when I was a graphic design student, I had an instructor who used a phrase that every student dreaded. It was said in English with a heavy German accept:  “There is no excuse for ugly.” It wasn’t particularly helpful with regards to specifics, but it made his feelings apparent, as were one’s chances … READ MORE »

Preparing for the EU data protection rules

Whilst all companies deal with the personal details of customers, the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is of especial interest to those involved in email marketing. The requirements of the new rules, although unlikely to be law before 2018, are such that planning needs to start soon. Implementation of the plans should start only … READ MORE »


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