Email Design

Do what the police tell you

Although not aimed at email marketing of course, the Metropolitan (London) police force recently produced guidelines for internal and external emails. Whilst some newspapers, hungry to fill space, were critical, if looked at sensibly, there was a lot of sense in them. In brief, the 10 points were: 1/ Keep the title simple and clear. … READ MORE »

Cost free marketing email design

A company producing software I use frequently has a forum where one of the threads asks for ideas for the next incarnation of the product. In other words it was using their customers to complete their research for them. Heineken went a different route.  They ran a promotion, ‘Reinvent the draught beer experience’, to generate … READ MORE »

Free email marketing campaign content

It can be irritating to have to give away material in order to attract customers. Whilst the efficacy of a loss leader is beyond doubt, have you ever wondered what it might be like to receive free items for your business? A friend of mine, a keen amateur photographer, once submitted some images to a … READ MORE »

A common language

Most people prefer the familiar. It is reassuring and, probably more importantly, they don’t have to think. This is especially so of text and has been recognised by the newspaper and periodical industry as, when you are asked to write an article, you are normally send a ‘style of the house’, a brief (although not … READ MORE »

Email marketing and genders

With International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day occurring within the last week or so now is probably the time to discuss gender issues in email marketing. The differences between men and women would appear to run deeper than most of us realise. When planning a marketing email it doesn’t matter whether this is through nature … READ MORE »

Men, Women & Email marketing

Knowing whether someone is a man or woman is of real benefit, some say essential, in email marketing because it allows you to focus on the design of the email among all other essential components. You might think at the time of International Women’s Day that the gender of your subscribers should be irrelevant. That … READ MORE »

The line between irritation and satisfaction

One of the most significant risks you take when sending a marketing email is to be irritating. Most subscribers will take the rough with the smooth but limits are often low and easily reached. The difficult thing is to know what might wind them up the wrong way. Ask yourself what irritates you, makes you … READ MORE »

Eight ways of increasing open rates

If you ask someone engaged in email marketing what their major concern is, the majority of times they will say it is their open rate. All rather odd as they must realise that the completion rate is the only one that matters. With that caveat, here are some pointers on to how to increase your … READ MORE »

Pressures on open rates

Anyone concerned about open rates would look first to the Subject Line. They might consider being a bit more familiar or think that a more ‘in-your-face’ explanation of the offer might work. However, every aspect of email marketing is interconnected and if your open rate suddenly drops, the most likely cause are your previous email … READ MORE »


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