Tag: email lists

This time it is personal

You might be wondering how your strategy should change if, as seems likely, the country does not turn the financial corner soon. The answer is, in all probability, do what those in email marketing should be doing already. The rather crude adage that for email marketing in particular it is more cost effective to spend … READ MORE »

Mean, median and best

Much of the information that your email marketing software needs to be effective is logical and rather obvious. For instance, the database will naturally contain the full purchasing history of all your clients on your various lists. If you are selling printers then you will be able to work out the average time between purchase … READ MORE »

Just browsing

It is one of those things that people say: ‘There is nothing more irritating than . . .’ Whilst they may, without an awful lot of thought, accept it was an exaggeration, there is nothing more inclined to lose a customer than irritating them. You might be able to understand why the shop’s sales staff … READ MORE »

Get the measure of newsletters

A newsletter seems to go against the basic tenets of good business. You must make the content worthwhile so it will have intrinsic value and here you are, giving it away free of charge. The only justification for the investment of time, effort and money is a reasonable return. So how can you prove it … READ MORE »


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