Email Campaign Management


A database consisting of just email addresses is of limited use in planned email marketing. Information alone is not enough. What you need is relevant information. But that leads to the question: what is relevant? You will, of course, have your customers’ purchasing history and that must be included on the database. But a tick … READ MORE »

Email marketing professionalism

The most important tool in retaining email marketing subscribers is your database. Both law and sensible list management requires it to be accurate, up to date and devoid of irrelevant and confusing detail. On the matter of which details should be kept, those involved in email marketing are by no means unanimous. There are those … READ MORE »

Systemised customer support

Email marketing allows simple and cheap response to specified events which can have the benefit of helping to retain customers and increase sales. There is as much potential in small businesses as larger ones for the majority to be fully automated. Every bit of automation saves time and money. The first decision is what events … READ MORE »

Email marketing lists

Keeping customers to ensure a high return on investment Any article on how to enjoy success with email marketing could start with the statement that the most important aspect is targeting. Out of all subjects, customer retention is the one where this is most appropriate. The first essential of any email marketing campaign is to … READ MORE »

The lifecycle of an email customer

To increase the chances of retaining customers for email campaigns you must get to know as much as possible about them. One thing they will have in common is that they will go through a set of stages during their stay with you. Some parts will be missed, taken out of order or even ignored … READ MORE »

Email Campaign Management

After all the work in creating the email campaign you might feel that you are entitled to a bit of rest and recuperation and the local is your well earned destination. But you would be wrong. In any argument with regard to the benefits of email marketing compared to the use of post, once the … READ MORE »

Database Management

There are overwhelming practical reasons for organising a system of effective management of your email lists. The eight principles of good practice as published by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) deal essentially with the methods of gathering, maintaining and the security of email lists. The ones which we will deal with here require them to … READ MORE »

Email Marketing checklist

Check-lists can be extremely useful in suggesting that you are actually getting somewhere without having to put too much effort into it. For instance, if you were running a campaign to obtain email addresses for an email marketing campaign then you could tick the box against Aims just by deciding that you want email addresses. … READ MORE »

Email Campaign planning

Collecting addresses for email marketing It can be frustrating staring at a blank sheet of paper or squinting from the glare of an empty Word document, whilst waiting for inspiration to help you plan your email campaign to obtain email lists for direct email marketing. Rather than continually visiting the coffee machine, a better option … READ MORE »


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