Email and the Law

The 5 Cond. for Fair Process of Information

For the information to be fairly processed one of the following conditions must apply: there has been explicit consent from the individual to the processing (this is the hard opt-in procedure) it is required by law to process the information for employment purposes or some other legal requirement processing is required to protect the vital … READ MORE »

The Eight Principles of Good Practice in email marketing

If you process personal information the eight principles of good practice for email marketing requires the data to be: Fairly and lawfully processed processed for limited purposes adequate, relevant and not excessive accurate and up to date not kept longer than necessary processed in accordance with the individual’s rights secure not transferred to a country outside … READ MORE »

The Data Protection Act

This is an introduction to the law. If ever there was a time to follow the suggestion of checking first with a lawyer, then if you are involved in direct marketing by email, this is it: and probably a specialist lawyer. The law can change by way of stated case at the stroke of a … READ MORE »

The right to copy

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Act) runs to more than 330 pages so one must accept the risks of a brief overview. In essence it gives certain rights to the creators of certain material. These rights limit the freedom of others to copy, adapt, distribute, communicate to the public by electronic means, … READ MORE »

The Data Protection Act and you and them

Anyone with a fetish for figures will find The Data Protection Act 1998 (The DPA) a joy. It has eight principles, seven rights and six conditions. The intent of the legislation is to strike a balance between the conflicting interests of individuals and those who wish, for valid and lawful reasons, to store and use … READ MORE »

Writing a user-friendly privacy policy

In summary, a privacy policy sets out who you are, how you will collect, use and store personal data and how a customer/contact can control that use of their personal data. The law requires that you display a clear link to your privacy policy on your website, at all points of online data collection, including … READ MORE »

Data Controller

You might wonder, when you are offered the role of data controller, whom you have upset. However, the role is a vitally important one not only to ensure compliance with the requirements of The Data Protection Act 1998 (The DPA)) but to foster trust between customers and those who use email marketing. Section 1.(1) of … READ MORE »


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