Email Design

Email marketing copywriters; be nice to them

Everyone is a writer in the same way that everyone is a plumber. You turn on a tap and water comes out. That’s cool. However, if you fail to secure a compression joint the same thing happens only in the wrong place. That’s writing for you. Writing for an email marketing campaign is not easy … READ MORE »

Support your writers

If your company is ambitious then you will have someone who is the dedicated writer for email marketing campaigns. This might be someone remote although many are now opting for in-house. Whilst writers are not delicate, they are a big investment so to get your money’s worth, take care of them. The first step in … READ MORE »

Targeted imagery in email marketing

When I was a young, aspiring writer I knew the first names of editors but was frightened of using them. My rejection rate gradually dropped as I fathomed what each one favoured. I was targeting my submissions before email marketing was invented. My next step was to predict the style of image each editor would … READ MORE »

Email marketing companies friends with Google

A well run website can be the best generator for subscribers to email marketing lists. It is nothing without visitors though and Google SEO rankings are of concern to us all. Websites need constant care and fettling but it is not something to be passed to IT and forgotten. It is a responsibility of all … READ MORE »

Constraints on images

With the majority of emails being opened first on mobile devices your first reaction might be not to bother with images in an email marketing campaign. If they are not going to be looked at, there’s no point in them being there. We all know, though, that images sell. Is it worth the effort to … READ MORE »

How will email marketing develop in 2018?

One of the most remarkable trends over recent years, and which intensified in 2017, is the way that consumers have taken to new technology. No post Christmas lunch snooze for me. There was chatting to some of my family in Kyoto for a while, then moving westwards to Lucerne for a magnificent live view of … READ MORE »

What will 2018 bring for email marketing?

It is that time of year again when last year’s predictions for email marketing are reviewed and rated according to outcomes. There is danger in this as there is a temptation to take the safe option and predict that everything will be the same except more so. We all knew that mobiles would increase their … READ MORE »

Email marketing design for mobiles

Recently we covered the changing nature of how emails are read. No longer are customers sitting at desks but are now pushing their way onto trains while they check their inboxes. We need to design marketing emails to cope with the new reality. What is required is not just responsive emails, although that is an … READ MORE »

Keeping ahead in mobile email marketing

Email marketing is just like having children; as one problem is solved another is revealed. We all know than mobiles are the main medium for opening emails so we can be confident that we should design our websites and emails for mobile devices. Unfortunately such a significant change means that all the truths that have … READ MORE »


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