Email Design

How to Work with Unresponsive Subscribers

You have a number of customers sitting on your email marketing list who do not respond to your campaigns. You leave them on there for ages hoping that they might, for some unexplained reason, suddenly burst into activity.  All they actually do is to mess up your returns, making a successful campaign seem less productive, … READ MORE »

Dealing with unresponsive subscribers

One indicator of whether a company is serious about email marketing or not is to assess how they deal with those who do not respond to email marketing campaigns. The urge not to do anything about them in case the conclusion is they should be removed is a bit of a test after all the … READ MORE »

Corporate identity and branding

Integrated branding boosts email marketing returns. Your surface design, such as periodical advertising, posters, trade fair displays, signage and even down to business cards, should shout who you are, although doing so subtly is probably the best way. The dual pressures on email marketing design are the need to make them familiar in order to … READ MORE »

Style in email marketing

Everyone knows that a common design identity for all media is important to branding. Customers and targeted prospects should know at first glance that whatever they are viewing is about your company. Most people glance at adverts and emails. In that second they need to know it is from you. Given that you almost certainly sell by … READ MORE »

WizEmail Blog :: Economy of design

I regularly drive two different makes of cars: one has control stalks on both sides of the steering column, the other only on the left. One wonders if the designers want the windscreen wipers to be activated if I run someone over. I should not have to concentrate on something that could be automatic. There … READ MORE »

8 reasons to use a common design

You know it is an Amazon email or web page even if you cannot see the logo. The appearance is unique, shouting its source. I’m not suggesting that you should follow the example of the company in all things, but it is not a bad starting point when considering a new campaign. A single theme … READ MORE »

WizEmail Blog – Alt text in email marketing

Images can sell if picked with care. They should be used in support of text and have the same importance. A picture should explain, enhance and encourage. The problem is how to go about it. Picture editing is a remarkably difficult task. To get to professional standard takes years of application and a tendency to … READ MORE »

Getting up close and personal

I’ve got four children and four grandchildren. I’m not sure which group takes up most of my time overall, although the one with chickenpox has a clear lead at the moment. I enjoy looking after the kids but find it a bit of an effort, which tends to make it more worthwhile. What’s that got … READ MORE »

Designing the perfect email newsletter

E-newsletter (email or html newsletter) design is the Cinderella of email marketing. Despite many companies using it as one of their main sources of new subscribers to their email marketing list and subsequent sales funnel, the sophistication of some email design is often poor. Let us start at the beginning for the perfect newsletter. 1. From … READ MORE »


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