Email Design

Gender stereotyping is now cool

It used to be easy to tell women from men according to my grandfather. He said they were the ones who danced backwards. Times have changed and nowadays it is not that simple. So why do we bother to collect stats on subscribers based on gender with our email marketing software? There is a bus … READ MORE »

Creating the email

The big fear of those new to email marketing seems to be the email itself. They feel that the creative process requires skills they do not posses and procedures they do not understand. The reality is somewhat different. There can be no argument: the design of the email is critical. It will have got past … READ MORE »

Getting the best from your open rates

The open rate returns from your email marketing software might have given your confidence a boost when you checked them against those from the previous campaign. The subtle changes you made to the Subject line were obviously a brilliant idea and all that remains is to tell your boss. However, you might be missing a … READ MORE »

Using images in email marketing

Pictures can add much to an email. They attract the eye, lower the chances of the reader immediately closing it and equally importantly, put your point over in an efficient manner. As always, have a plan. Do not just pick what you think would look nice and then scatter the images over the page. Forget … READ MORE »

Imagery Part Two

Most email marketing software solutions will provide wizards for the design of emails. They will suggest arrangements of text and images which will be perfectly adequate. But you should want more. Wizards are there for guidance and should not be seen as prescriptive. You will be given options for the location of a picture but … READ MORE »

Campaign planning for email list acquisition

Directing a potential customer to your website in the vague hope that they might stumble on the page where the sign up procedure appears is obviously not enough. The dangers are that the person might become lost, disinterested or distracted. Remember that your website has been designed to grab the attention of visitors and it … READ MORE »

The right to copy

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Act) runs to more than 330 pages so one must accept the risks of a brief overview. In essence it gives certain rights to the creators of certain material. These rights limit the freedom of others to copy, adapt, distribute, communicate to the public by electronic means, … READ MORE »

New email subscriber? What next?

After all the excitement of entering a new email address in your database you should take a deep breath. You need to calm down as your work has only just begun. You now have to realise the potential of that new customer. My experience is that when signing up for newsletters and email marketing the … READ MORE »

Email Marketing: An Obscure Headline

You didn’t mess with my paternal grandmother, whether you were a council official or the English language, both of which she would bully. I remember the agony of having to keep a straight face when she, after examining the monthly medical pension, ostensibly sent to my grandfather, said that we would have to: ‘bend over … READ MORE »


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