Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

The right to copy

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Act) runs to more than 330 pages so one must accept the risks of a brief overview. In essence it gives certain rights to the creators of certain material. These rights limit the freedom of others to copy, adapt, distribute, communicate to the public by electronic means, … READ MORE »

New email subscriber? What next?

After all the excitement of entering a new email address in your database you should take a deep breath. You need to calm down as your work has only just begun. You now have to realise the potential of that new customer. My experience is that when signing up for newsletters and email marketing the … READ MORE »

New email subscriber? Virgin Oil

After all the excitement of entering a new email address in your database you should take a deep breath. You need to calm down as your work has only just begun. You now have to realise the potential of that new customer. My experience is that when signing up for newsletters and email marketing the … READ MORE »

Email Marketing: An Obscure Headline

You didn’t mess with my paternal grandmother, whether you were a council official or the English language, both of which she would bully. I remember the agony of having to keep a straight face when she, after examining the monthly medical pension, ostensibly sent to my grandfather, said that we would have to: ‘bend over … READ MORE »

Campaign manager

It can be all too easy to get carried away with email marketing. It is so cheap to run that the temptation is to think that even if most of the effort gets no return then the outlay will be covered and a healthy ROI achieved. But the real cost of a poorly run email … READ MORE »

Email Marketing: One Sale is not enough

If someone asks you the way to the high street do you give them directions or suggest that Acacia Avenue is nearer? It is hard not to be prescriptive when something seems self-evident. But let me give it a go. It can be useful to use information you have on a customer or email prospect … READ MORE »

The Data Protection Act and you and them

Anyone with a fetish for figures will find The Data Protection Act 1998 (The DPA) a joy. It has eight principles, seven rights and six conditions. The intent of the legislation is to strike a balance between the conflicting interests of individuals and those who wish, for valid and lawful reasons, to store and use … READ MORE »

Redefinement: Do your customers love you?

The problem with rules is that they regulate. Cars mostly look the same nowadays not (only?) because coachwork designers have lost the art, but because constraining factors, such as the construction and use regulations, crash testing and the straightjacket of the laws of physics, especially as they apply to aerodynamics and limit their options. It … READ MORE »

Writing a user-friendly privacy policy

In summary, a privacy policy sets out who you are, how you will collect, use and store personal data and how a customer/contact can control that use of their personal data. The law requires that you display a clear link to your privacy policy on your website, at all points of online data collection, including … READ MORE »

Data Controller

You might wonder, when you are offered the role of data controller, whom you have upset. However, the role is a vitally important one not only to ensure compliance with the requirements of The Data Protection Act 1998 (The DPA)) but to foster trust between customers and those who use email marketing. Section 1.(1) of … READ MORE »


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