Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

How to keep children safe at Christmas?

Those on your email marketing lists will have a certain degree of trust in your company, almost by definition. If you are deceitful there is always the unsubscribe button to show their dissatisfaction. So how much emphasis should you place on any inherent risks with a product you sell?  There has been a lot in … READ MORE »

Email marketing design for mobiles

Recently we covered the changing nature of how emails are read. No longer are customers sitting at desks but are now pushing their way onto trains while they check their inboxes. We need to design marketing emails to cope with the new reality. What is required is not just responsive emails, although that is an … READ MORE »

Mobile email marketing & multi-tasking

I read a lot of statistics about marketing in general and email marketing in particular. I’ve noticed that there is a degree of variation in the results, as is only to be expected, and in any case any stats that don’t come through our email marketing software is of little interest. However, there are trends … READ MORE »

Not letting go

We’ve recently covered how to improve your figures for abandoned carts, the most frustrating part of email marketing, by modifying the process. No matter how successful you are in reducing the percentage there will always be those who will almost but not quite commit to purchasing. The one essential is not to let them escape. … READ MORE »

Keeping ahead in mobile email marketing

Email marketing is just like having children; as one problem is solved another is revealed. We all know than mobiles are the main medium for opening emails so we can be confident that we should design our websites and emails for mobile devices. Unfortunately such a significant change means that all the truths that have … READ MORE »

Chasing up abandoned shopping carts

We recently covered how you can reduce the percentage of abandoned shopping carts, the bane of email marketing. Rates as high as 70% have been reported. This shows that there’s more than enough room for improvement. Even if, because of all your improvements, the rate has dropped considerably, there will still be those who, infuriatingly, … READ MORE »

ICO helpline

Despite rumours to the contrary, it is probable that the vast majority of email marketing companies will have to comply in full with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Whilst it is true that companies with fewer than 250 employees are exempt from certain provisions of the regulations, there are conditions which effectively mean that … READ MORE »


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