Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

What’s coming for  email marketing in 2017?

It is that time of year again when pundits predict what is in store for email marketing in the year ahead. Such articles make the writers nervous; too specific and there is little chance of being correct, to vague and there’s nothing said. So what are they all saying?  There are certain developments that everyone … READ MORE »

Giving it all away

The thing with free is that it has benefits for all sides; take Valentine’s Day. The recipient gets a buzz not only for the present but also for the fact that someone regards them highly enough to buy them whatever it was. A win:win for the giver. It’s a bit different for email marketing campaigns, … READ MORE »

Consider newsletters

The vast majority of companies involved in B2B marketing have e-newsletters. The majority of these seem not to target them in the same way they would an email marketing campaign. They are missing a trick. All the reasons to segment lists go equally for e-newsletters as for email marketing campaigns, the only difference being that … READ MORE »

Opportunities with consumer rights

The Consumer Rights Act (the Act) has been on the statute books for over a year and it is remarkable that so many companies have failed to comply with its provisions. Casual surfing will reveal any number of offences and email marketing seems to be worse in certain specifics. Should you bother to check if … READ MORE »

What to do with returns?

There is ample evidence to show that a simple and straightforward returns policy increases customer confidence and therefore purchases. We also know that if the process is delayed, difficult or there are obstructions, subscribers to your email marketing lists will tick the box to unsubscribe. Clearly, it is in your interests to devise a procedure … READ MORE »

All data sources have value

The returns from an email marketing campaign are comfortingly dependable. There can be no arguments about the raw data although it does have to be interpreted to an extent. But there are other sources of information that can be used with such metrics to target subscribers. Further, not all subscribers are created equal and calculating … READ MORE »

What happened with data in 2016?

2016 was a turbulent time for email marketing although perhaps not as concerning as the pundits suggested it would be. We went from tragedy to, at worst, tragedy put of. Brexit terms are unlikely to be settled for some time and uncertainty is the enemy of commerce. We have had suggestions, promises and pointers, but … READ MORE »


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