Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

Keywords in email copy

We mentioned in a previous article that a government website will no longer use Latin abbreviations in future posts. Despite a clear, of course, explanation of the logic behind the decision, it has been criticised in the press. In essence, the company is writing targeted copy. If you want those on your email marketing lists … READ MORE »

Keywords in email marketing copy

All writers are hurt when they realise that their carefully crafted copy in a marketing email is only scanned. That doesn’t mean that all the effort they put into the text is wasted. However, it makes writing and editing it that much more difficult.  You understand how Google uses keywords, at least as far as … READ MORE »

The path to clear English

Email marketing design is all about communication. The more of your message you get over and the quicker you do it, the better. This is accepted by the website where you can tax your car and obtain information about government requirements and systems. Whether as a brand awareness campaign or, as they suggest, a … READ MORE »

Design content for your subscribers

The site,, which provides government guidance and services, such as vehicle tax payment, has succeeded in what is probably one of its main intents by saying that it will phase out Latin abbreviations, such as eg, ie, etc, et al (sorry. Too tempting to resist.) It created a small furore in the press, … READ MORE »

Keeping your email marketing lists safe

Given the recent developments with regards to the Brexit, the report by the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee on Cyber Security: Protection of Personal Data Online (PPDO) might have slipped under your radar. Thankfully, it is a concise report, despite its 17 recommendations. We won’t go through them all here but will … READ MORE »

The fall-out from TalkTalk’s hack

As exciting titles go, House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee Cyber Security: Protection of Personal Data Online Report (PPDO) is not one of the snappiest. We’ll stick with (PPDO). What with Brexit concerns, it might well have passed you by. Yet it deals with a significant threat to those who store personal data, … READ MORE »

Making plans

It is impossible to make effective and dependable predictions when the circumstances are undefined. The good news is that this does not mean that we cannot make plans to ensure the transition to leaving the EU is as risk free and profitable as possible for everyone engaged in email marketing. The first thing to do … READ MORE »

The Progress of Exit

There is no detailed plan for leaving the EU at the moment, one reason being that there cannot be until the negotiations post implementation of Article 50 come to at least some conclusions. However, for email marketing it could be a less bumpy ride than for many other businesses. One thing must be accepted; it … READ MORE »


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