Tag: Email Marketing Campaign

Powerful words to use in a marketing email

Words can describe the universe. We’ll have to accept that mathematics does it quicker although no more accurately. On top of that, you need words for poetry where a phrase can define an emotion. One subtlety of the English language is that a word can have a different effect on different people. Much might depend … READ MORE »

SEO and email copywriting

You see it far too often. The copy that is in the marketing email is the same as that on the landing page. Whilst I know that consistency is reassuring for customers, these companies are missing a trick. Email marketing is a precise craft. Everything, from the From line to the last, short, paragraph must … READ MORE »

The election result and email marketing

Last week’s election result surprised many, not least Theresa May. We will ignore the machinations of party politics and the problems with forming a coalition and concentrate on what its likely effect will be on email marketing. Let’s start by saying there is no consensus. A few minutes rustling through newspapers and online will reveal … READ MORE »

How to word surveys

The one way to ensure an email survey is abandoned is to be thoughtless in your choice of language. Your returns from email marketing campaigns will help you to ensure the questions do not patronise or confuse the subject, and a little care will negate the chances of being ambiguous. To put it another way, … READ MORE »

Your response to an email marketing price war

How do you react to a perceived threat? Fight or flight is what covers most automatic responses. Stopping and having a think about it doesn’t have the same positive vibe but in the case of discovering that another email marketing company has undercut your price for a product it is the most logical way to … READ MORE »

Pushing the boundaries with price comparisons

There are few more productive ways to emphasise your competitive pricing policy than using price comparisons. This is especially persuasive in an email marketing campaign as the subscriber will be online and could easily click on the link you so thoughtfully provided to see just how true your message is. Advertisers will push boundaries. This … READ MORE »


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