Tag: Email Marketing Campaign

User experience in email marketing

It has been said many times, and often on here, that email marketing is just the same as what we called selling. The same techniques that proved successful in the ‘old days’ can be used just as effectively now despite email marketing lists giving us so much more information. You can see such processes in … READ MORE »

Believing in your price

The rush to the lowest possible price benefits no company. You need to work to a business plan that gives you a fair return, allows you to invest and to improve. There are companies that are in it for the short term and these can eat into your profits. I'm telling you nothing new of … READ MORE »

Email marketing price wars

It is your worst nightmare. You’ve priced everything from planning to delivery, picked a price that is competitive but which still returns a reasonable profit, perhaps a little above your baseline to allow for ‘specials’, and your email marketing campaign is about to go live when you are undercut by a similar item from your … READ MORE »

Keywords in email copy

We mentioned in a previous article that a government website will no longer use Latin abbreviations in future posts. Despite a clear, of course, explanation of the logic behind the decision, it has been criticised in the press. In essence, the company is writing targeted copy. If you want those on your email marketing lists … READ MORE »

We’ve all been there

There can be few who have been involved in designing an email marketing campaign who would not have a certain sympathy with Jawbone, the troubled technology hardware company, which has been the subject of Twitter-based criticism. However, the Subject Line of the email, which cause all the furore, was a risk which must have been … READ MORE »

The golden touch for email marketing

Statistics are the lifeblood of email marketing and we all know they prove beyond dispute. In some circumstances, the evidence is so overwhelming there is no need for percentages. With customer reviews, you just know that they are the best thing for increasing your profits.  Not convinced, then consider The Martian Kindle book. It was … READ MORE »

Designing a marketing email – the vital questions

It can be difficult to approach each email marketing campaign with a fresh mind and a degree of originality when it is the third one of the year. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make things easier. 1/ What excites this person? People generally buy on emotion. The trick is knowing which … READ MORE »


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