Tag: Email Marketing Planning

Revolutionary Ideas Are Just An Exercise Away

The best thing we have going for email marketing is the immense amount of data we can obtain which makes it easier (I nearly said easy) to test any changes in our campaigns. It is the reason that so many companies are using email marketing, and, ironically, why we should consider trying something counter to … READ MORE »

Plan Your Next Email Campaign In Stages

It should be exciting. You’ve got a pristine free email marketing template and you can do anything that will increase your ROI over the previous ones. Why is it so daunting? The number of stages to planning an email marketing campaign is a purely personal decision. Just work your way through the planning process, numbering … READ MORE »

How To Plan For Email Marketing Post Lockdown

First the good news: none of your competitors know what’s going to happen to email marketing post lockdown. They are as in the dark as anyone. The government refuse to predict and most of their pronouncements are historical; interesting but not really what we want to hear. A post lockdown marketing plan is probably under … READ MORE »


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