
Using Landing Pages To Improve Conversion

You might well be like the rest us. We all feel overwhelmed by the returns from email marketing campaigns. Even concentrating on one aspect, such as landing page returns, can still make you wonder what on earth you’re supposed to do with all the data. The difference between email marketing and most other forms is the … READ MORE »

Advice for SME’s with the approach of Brexit

It is with a degree of embarrassment I admit to publishing, about a year ago, a calendar on the countdown to Brexit. The idea was to point out what small and medium sized email marketing companies needed to do to ensure a smooth transition. My only defence is that I was not the only person … READ MORE »

How SME’s Can Prepare For Brexit

Excuse me for getting personal, but Brexit, for me, is rather like waiting for my daughter to leave home. We didn’t particularly want it to happen. However, it was obvious that it would come about eventually. There were a lot of false starts. At the time of writing it seems probable that the election is … READ MORE »

What’s Wrong With Your First Few Campaigns?

You anticipated a killing. You’ve built up a small but, you believe, good quality email marketing list. The first few, low level, campaigns went as well as you expected, and you learnt a lot from them; enough, you feel, to try something special. The offer was one you’d been planning for ages, one destined to … READ MORE »

Learn From Your First Email Campaigns

It’s an exciting time when trying something new. It is normally tinged with a bit of self-doubt; after all, what if you make a mess of it? A reassuring aspect of starting out in email marketing is that there is lots of advice and help out there, both online and from your email marketing service … READ MORE »

Can Premium Prices Give Better Returns

There’s no middle ground in email marketing. You either have the cheapest price or else your product is regarded as premium. Anything that falls between these two extremes will struggle. What’s to stop you going for the top prices? For email marketing, the benefits are obvious: lower stock levels, reduced demands for staff, and a … READ MORE »

Produce A Campaign To Sell Premium Products

I’ve got a friend who is into open source software. Her laptops use Linux-based operating systems, and all her software is free. Avoid admitting to using Microsoft Office. Should to say so, you’ll be asked why you pay so much for a product which is all but duplicated in its effectiveness by free Libre Office. … READ MORE »

Don’t Mention Going Green

In an online world, where it is so easy for customers to compare prices, any edge, even a slight one, is to be grabbed by both hands. One of the easiest seeming routes is to appear ‘better’ than your competitors by having lower prices, quicker service, or, perhaps, going greener in your email marketing. The … READ MORE »


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