Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

Segmenting email marketing lists – the edge

Every company segments their email marketing lists, at least all those you regard as competitors. The only difference is how well they do it. Most will use the obvious criteria, such as age, gender, location, which means that if you want to gain an advantage you need to do something special. You will be able … READ MORE »

Can you write email marketing copy?

Ask any professional copywriter and they will probably tell you that using a pro for your email marketing campaign is the best option. I have any number of logical reason I could bring to the argument. However, most people can create copy suitable for an email marketing campaign. All you have to do is: 1/ … READ MORE »

Ways to segment your email marketing list

The one thing we all need in email marketing is a new way of doing things, at least, different to the way our main competitors are doing it. The constraints include taking the risks while others being able to copy you or that you try something that bombs and it costs you subscribers. Therefore we … READ MORE »

Welcome emails

You no doubt wish that you could transfer the open rate for your newsletters to an email marketing campaign. Oh! The dream. However, there is one email that you send which has a much higher open rate than even your newsletter; a welcome email. Yet these are often sent with little thought and, remarkably, without … READ MORE »

Omnichannel – the next step in email marketing?

If a new word arrives which requires acres of copy to explain why it is different to another one, even the least cynical among us might think that someone is trying too hard. When looking for the definition, or even explanation of what omnichannel is, I found a proliferation of phrases such as ‘is essence’ … READ MORE »

The effect of Article 50 on email marketing

Grand though it sounds, all that triggering Article 50 means is that the PM will send written notification to the President of the European Council. This starts a process that must be concluded within two years. At least, that’s the theory. Practice, however, might be different. Article 50 is surprisingly brief, See There are … READ MORE »

Working together

In a recent article on omnichannel marketing we emphasised that departments need to work together to ensure that the customer experience is seamless. It is an essential for effective email marketing.  You don’t have to spend long on Facebook to realise that many people complain of a disconnect between sales and customer service. Some companies, … READ MORE »

What price email marketing

The CTSI Guide to Pricing Practices (the Guide) will require changes to your systems of managing pricing. The requirements in the Guide mean that there are no longer prescribed systems to comply with. Instead each case must be taken on its merits. While this may seem an imposition, the old system led to significant abuses. … READ MORE »


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