Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

Abandoning sale after click through

It is the most irritating of results in email marketing. The customer clicks through to the further information page, spends some time on it, presumably assessing the technical details, and then goes through to the landing page. We think it's all over. But then they abandon the purchase.  The reason can be difficult to fathom. … READ MORE »

Frustrations of email marketing click throughs

It is a peculiar, not to mention frustrating, fact of email marketing that some subscribers will click through to the landing page and then abandon the transaction. The question that comes to mind is: Why? The correct answer will show the way to increase completions.  It is not as if the shopper is feeling the … READ MORE »

10 working from home essentials

The security of your email marketing list is of paramount importance, not only in the business sense but with regards to fines and publicity should the worst happen. So allowing staff to work from home whilst having access to your database will be of concern. A policy is an essential.  Due to the variations in … READ MORE »

We’ve all been there

There can be few who have been involved in designing an email marketing campaign who would not have a certain sympathy with Jawbone, the troubled technology hardware company, which has been the subject of Twitter-based criticism. However, the Subject Line of the email, which cause all the furore, was a risk which must have been … READ MORE »

One on the chin for Jawbone?

Using all your assets in the most efficient way is a must in a competitive industry such as email marketing. With other companies dogging your heels a campaign that puts a little space between you and the chasers will be a big relief, if only for a short time. However, you need to balance the … READ MORE »

Home working policy

If you have staff who work from home, whether permanently, regularly or infrequently, you should have a written policy to which they must sign up to. You will also require a written policy for their immediate supervisor.  We will cover only the matters with regards to the security of data. Subjects such as Health and … READ MORE »

Ensuring compliance with home working

With the increase in demand for working from home comes headaches for the data protection officer. A recent case highlights the need for comprehensive policies to be in place for home working, and not just covering the worker themselves but their immediate supervisor.  In the case mentioned, the inquiry into the matter found the company, … READ MORE »

Home working and data protection

There was a recent case against a city council which allowed confidential data to be available to unauthorised people due to insufficient security of staff working from home, this against the Data Protection Act (DPA). Once it was aware of the security breach the council quickly secured it. It would appear that there was no … READ MORE »


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