Tag: Open rates

New Year – new methods of email marketing

There is little argument against the balance between the product and price being the most important part of any email marketing campaign. Get that wrong and everything falls apart. Get it right and all you have to do is count the cash. The email marketing software returns from previous campaigns should be your guide. In … READ MORE »

Email Marketing Hurdles

The common phrase of ‘there’s nothing worse than’ is frequently used when there are things which are much, much worse. That said, few would disagree that in email marketing there is nothing worse than managing to run the gauntlet of spam filters only to have your marketing email vegetate unopened in the inbox. There is … READ MORE »

Newsletter integration

A digital newsletter can be an effective marketing tool on its own. A list of its advantages reads like the ultimate weapon: it has a higher open rate than email marketing, it can enhance your image, contribute to customer support, increase sales, promote your logo, generate loyalty and is a medium for customer communication. And … READ MORE »

Get the measure of newsletters

A newsletter seems to go against the basic tenets of good business. You must make the content worthwhile so it will have intrinsic value and here you are, giving it away free of charge. The only justification for the investment of time, effort and money is a reasonable return. So how can you prove it … READ MORE »

Campaign manager

It can be all too easy to get carried away with email marketing. It is so cheap to run that the temptation is to think that even if most of the effort gets no return then the outlay will be covered and a healthy ROI achieved. But the real cost of a poorly run email … READ MORE »

8 Top Tips: Avoid Spam Filters, increase opens

Here are some general tips for your bulk emails which will help you to ensure your email newsletter gets through to as many people as possible and doesn’t get caught in Spam Filters. Fully Spell Check all text before sending Make sure there is a mix of text and images on your newsletter and not … READ MORE »


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