Tag: subscribers

Ways to segment your email marketing list

The one thing we all need in email marketing is a new way of doing things, at least, different to the way our main competitors are doing it. The constraints include taking the risks while others being able to copy you or that you try something that bombs and it costs you subscribers. Therefore we … READ MORE »

Welcome emails

You no doubt wish that you could transfer the open rate for your newsletters to an email marketing campaign. Oh! The dream. However, there is one email that you send which has a much higher open rate than even your newsletter; a welcome email. Yet these are often sent with little thought and, remarkably, without … READ MORE »

What price email marketing

The CTSI Guide to Pricing Practices (the Guide) will require changes to your systems of managing pricing. The requirements in the Guide mean that there are no longer prescribed systems to comply with. Instead each case must be taken on its merits. While this may seem an imposition, the old system led to significant abuses. … READ MORE »

CTSI in particulars

We introduced you to the broad intent of the CTSI Guide to Pricing (the Guide) recently but it is too much of a fundamental change to cover in 500 words. Here we go into a bit more depth, although we’ll limit ourselves to practical advice. You must read the Guidance to understand its full provisions. … READ MORE »

What’s coming for  email marketing in 2017?

It is that time of year again when pundits predict what is in store for email marketing in the year ahead. Such articles make the writers nervous; too specific and there is little chance of being correct, to vague and there’s nothing said. So what are they all saying?  There are certain developments that everyone … READ MORE »

What to do with returns?

There is ample evidence to show that a simple and straightforward returns policy increases customer confidence and therefore purchases. We also know that if the process is delayed, difficult or there are obstructions, subscribers to your email marketing lists will tick the box to unsubscribe. Clearly, it is in your interests to devise a procedure … READ MORE »

All data sources have value

The returns from an email marketing campaign are comfortingly dependable. There can be no arguments about the raw data although it does have to be interpreted to an extent. But there are other sources of information that can be used with such metrics to target subscribers. Further, not all subscribers are created equal and calculating … READ MORE »

What MPs say

I know a TV current affairs programme producer who speaks frequently to MPs and others who have authority and power over us. It is remarkably difficult to get him talking on specifics, such as how email marketing is likely to be affected by any pending decisions. We chatted this weekend and he was, for him, … READ MORE »


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