Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

Newsletters support your marketing campaigns

Just as Thor thought that every problem in the world could be solved by hitting it with a big hammer, those who think newsletters are a good idea tend to suggest that they solve most of your email marketing problems. Whilst out of the two, the latter has more evidence to support it, the fact … READ MORE »

Ways not to ruin a marketing email: #1 – jargon

After reading this paragraph, you might wonder what car mechanics has to do with email marketing lists, but all will be revealed later. I was researching an article on servicing classic cars and was shadowing a mechanic replacing a steering box. He had placed the components he’d removed on a bench I was standing by. … READ MORE »

When to use jargon in email marketing

There are many who suggest you should never use jargon in a marketing email as it can put off the less knowledgeable. To a certain extent this is good advice.  Jargon has its uses and in many ways is indispensable when needing to reduce copy wordage. The General Data Protection Regulations takes five words and … READ MORE »

Say no to newsletters

We’ve said it before but that’s no reason for not saying it again. Email marketing is about exploiting all forms of interaction with your customers, actual or potential. Social media, forums, websites, counters etc should all be used to support email marketing. You might notice I’ve left out newsletters. Successful newsletters require a lot of … READ MORE »

How to start segmenting email marketing lists

It wasn’t a surprise to discover in a recent report that roughly half of email marketing companies do not segment their email marketing lists. However, it did come as a disappointment.  It might be, of course, that some of these companies operate in a niche market and their subscribers come from a very specific pool, … READ MORE »

Track subscribers to your email marketing lists

In a recent post, we've mentioned how few companies tracked their subscribers’ behaviour online. If this is you then you are missing out on a significant feature of email marketing. Those that do track have an advantage. The behaviour of subscribers to your email marketing list gives you metrics that can be used to segregate … READ MORE »

Do you believe email marketing research?

The internet is awash with reports on email marketing published by various organisations. They should obviously be treated with care and in many cases should be tested in case they are particular. What is dangerous is that most of the shocking conclusions are those which support prejudices. I doubted that most email marketing companies tested … READ MORE »


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