Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

When email marketing gets difficult

I write as a hobby as well as for profit. I love writing. That does not mean that I never have that sinking feeling when sitting in front of a blank Word document wondering if the words are ever going to come. Over the years I have developed processes to overcome this block on creativity. … READ MORE »

Refining email marketing lists

I frequently visit a couple of websites which support on my favourite sport. Both produce newsletters which are generated by events. If there’s nothing to report then a week can go by between editions. Following a match or a bit of news, I can have a dozen fall into my inbox during the day. Nirvana!  … READ MORE »

Overcoming writer’s block in email marketing

These are my suggestions after decades of writing when, for no apparent reason, I find it difficult to start. 1/ Avoid looming deadlines Give yourself as much time as possible to create the copy. If you won’t know the precise requirements of a marketing email until nearer sending time, you can, at the very least, … READ MORE »

Tailoring your emails

We, and I include me in this, speak a great deal about using email marketing software to define the design and other circumstances of your campaigns. After all, you might well feel you know more about a subscriber’s best interests than they do themselves.  Split testing will define the best time to send a marketing … READ MORE »

The use of forms in email marketing

So how long should a sign-up form be? There is, of course, no perfect length for all requirements but we can give limits: running onto multiple pages is a no-no, as is not asking for sufficient information. There are a number of points to consider when trying to decide how long a particular form should … READ MORE »

7 Design tricks for email marketing campaigns

The most useful lesson I learned at art college was that I lacked talent. I was in the same lectures as those with real ability, one or two of whom went on to be quite famous in graphic design. You'd think I'd stand no chance but I completed my course with distinction despite my potential … READ MORE »

You can design a marketing email

Email marketing templates are a superb resource. They generally offer a vast range of designs that can be modified to suit your specific needs and at the same time look original. What might worry you is that you know nothing about graphic design. Here you are with all that opportunity and no idea what to … READ MORE »

Jumping off roofs

A professor of Colorado State University suggests, in one of the TedTalk series, that changing behaviour is much easier than changing attitudes. See: Her conclusions can be useful when planning an email marketing campaign as well as other advertising mediums. In an attempt to reduce carbon emissions, an advertisement pointed out that houses were … READ MORE »

Removing common sense from email marketing

The problem with most problems is that they appear to be solvable by the use of common sense. This is not always, or even generally, correct. We should not be worried whether something ‘stands to reason’ so much as whether there is evidence available to show if a contention is true. It stands to reason … READ MORE »


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