Tag: Email Marketing Campaign

8 essential considerations for e-newsletters

Despite the prognostications of those in the know, e-newsletters, from now on email newsletters, are not in decline and, if anything, are more popular than ever. Before taking the plunge, here are some considerations. What is the point? For some companies, email newsletters are vanity projects, there to support the name and provide some gravitas. … READ MORE »

Six pros and cons of an e-newsletter

The subject of e-newsletters, newsletters from now on, frequently comes up in discussions on populating email marketing lists. The main question is whether their benefits outweigh the costs. The odd thing is the answer is always the same: it depends. There is little doubt that you will benefit from a well produced newsletter. Many people … READ MORE »

Claims in Email Marketing

The temptation of a spectacular claim in the title of a marketing email is one that can be difficult to resist. Many of us have tapped our teeth with a pencil trying to come up with just the right idea then, on the way home (perhaps) you drive past or into a golf club and … READ MORE »

The ‘From’ Line

Do you read the ‘From’ line first when looking at a marketing email? You do? Then welcome to the majority. Do you also often make the decision to delete the email based solely on that one, small item of information? If so, then you are not in a minority. Do you spend very little time … READ MORE »

Price Isn’t Everything

Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) starts from the premise that price is not the sole reason a customer will pick one company over another. Given the rush to cut costs to the bone and the perceived need for dramatic offers in every email marketing campaign, this tends to go against accepted wisdom. But just run with … READ MORE »

Unique direct email marketing

Anyone who tells you a fact about direct email marketing should be ignored. If you think an idea might be worth a punt then nothing should stop you giving it a go. As long as you limit the risk and keep control of the costs there is every reason to experiment. However, there are one … READ MORE »

Targeted email marketing tips

Targeted email marketing is seen as the safe way of going about our business but it is not. Safe is a misnomer: it is anything but. If you do not take risks then you are risking your company.  Any Google search using the words high street and closures will bring in hundreds of results. It … READ MORE »

Counter your intuition

Email marketing software gives you massive amounts of data that can turn your company into a class leader. All you need to know is how. The most obvious people to ask are the experts. After all, they know best. An expert is someone who has experience and has worked out the best options. The advice … READ MORE »

Reasons to be reasonable

We have mentioned before that if you are running a competition with prizes in your email marketing campaign then you should take extreme care. Quite apart from falling foul of the complex betting, gaming and lotteries legislation, which is all too easy to do, there is the added problem of being fair. The word fair … READ MORE »

Complying with online selling

With the complexities of your email marketing systems, the last thing you need to think about during the Christmas rush is compliance with what you feel is the minutiae of legislation. This point of view finds little sympathy with the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). They have written to more than 50 leading retailers mentioning … READ MORE »


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