Tag: subscribers

When ‘Double Opt-In’ is the Way To Go

When we are told by just about everybody that there should be no barriers to subscribers getting onto your email marketing list, there is something frighteningly counter-intuitive about the double opt-in. This is when you require a customer to confirm their initial subscription. It doesn’t take an awful lot of working out to realise that … READ MORE »

The Logic of the Illogical ‘Double Opt-in’

You will have heard of the ‘double opt-in’ and, if you have given it brief consideration, you will probably have dismissed it out of hand as it will restrict the size of your email marketing list. You might think that there can be no justification for this. A double opt-in is when you require a … READ MORE »

The Best Teacher is Other People’s Errors

Gloating over someone else’s misfortune should not be so enjoyable. When the likes of Tesco makes an almighty mess of a promotion perhaps the better response is to think: “What lessons can I learn from this for my next bulk email marketing campaign.” Unlikely though it sounds, it all started over a £1.99 400g punnet … READ MORE »

Unique direct email marketing

Anyone who tells you a fact about direct email marketing should be ignored. If you think an idea might be worth a punt then nothing should stop you giving it a go. As long as you limit the risk and keep control of the costs there is every reason to experiment. However, there are one … READ MORE »

Email marketing: back to basics

As I write e-mail marketing articles I subscribe to dozens of lists and it can be an effort to read through them. Last year I made notes about which I liked and why. 1. Conform to the law: Customers are becoming more sophisticated and recognise those companies which ignore the requirements of the law. I … READ MORE »

Targeted email marketing tips

Targeted email marketing is seen as the safe way of going about our business but it is not. Safe is a misnomer: it is anything but. If you do not take risks then you are risking your company.  Any Google search using the words high street and closures will bring in hundreds of results. It … READ MORE »

Just what we wanted

Just what we wanted Email marketing is beset with rules and regulations, some of which are precise and easy to understand. We all know when an unsubscribe button must be included and if anyone fails to conform to this requirement they have only themselves to blame. In general most legislation is written in clear English, … READ MORE »

Counter your intuition

Email marketing software gives you massive amounts of data that can turn your company into a class leader. All you need to know is how. The most obvious people to ask are the experts. After all, they know best. An expert is someone who has experience and has worked out the best options. The advice … READ MORE »

After Mega Monday

The size of your email list will no doubt give you comfort over the holiday period. You will probably have increased the number of subscribers after Mega Monday so everything is on the up. The last thing you want to hear is that this is the time to extend your horizons beyond just figures. The … READ MORE »

Getting the best out of free email templates

One overwhelming positive to going with a reputable email service provider is the quality of the free email templates. There is nothing worse than staring at a blank screen trying to be creative. Not only that, the temptation is to copy. You will, of course, have studied the creations of your competitors. Let’s face it, … READ MORE »


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