Email Campaign Management

Pressures on open rates

Anyone concerned about open rates would look first to the Subject Line. They might consider being a bit more familiar or think that a more ‘in-your-face’ explanation of the offer might work. However, every aspect of email marketing is interconnected and if your open rate suddenly drops, the most likely cause are your previous email … READ MORE »

Your first email marketing survey

If you are lacking data in your email marketing software, prediction is less dependable and experimentation can be unfocussed. Obtaining information from campaigns can take time, and a tempting shortcut is a survey. Things to bear in mind when planning your first. 1/ Keep questions short. No one likes having to read one twice. 2/ … READ MORE »

A guide for an email marketing survey

Surveys can be an effective method of obtaining data for your email marketing software. Here are ten considerations. 1/ Is the risk worth the benefit People don’t like them. Stand near a pinch point in a shopping mall with a clipboard and you will realise that people will bump into one-another rather than answer your … READ MORE »

Predicting demand for email marketing

It is no good being irritated by rulings of regulatory bodies. They are, like Thursdays, there regardless of how much use they are to you. Whilst you might feel sorry for Morrisons following the ruling against them from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), you have to accept it and take it into account when planning … READ MORE »

When the Sauvignon’s gone

Whilst not specific to email marketing, a recent decision by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) against a national grocery chain has implications for your next email marketing campaign. The company offered an ‘any three for £10’ from a range of wine, a type of promotion which competitors had abandoned as unproductive. Their estimate of demand, … READ MORE »

How to Work with Unresponsive Subscribers

You have a number of customers sitting on your email marketing list who do not respond to your campaigns. You leave them on there for ages hoping that they might, for some unexplained reason, suddenly burst into activity.  All they actually do is to mess up your returns, making a successful campaign seem less productive, … READ MORE »

Dealing with unresponsive subscribers

One indicator of whether a company is serious about email marketing or not is to assess how they deal with those who do not respond to email marketing campaigns. The urge not to do anything about them in case the conclusion is they should be removed is a bit of a test after all the … READ MORE »

Honesty & relationships in email marketing

When researching for articles I often come across examples of both good and bad marketing. It is best to focus on the former but sometimes I feel the need to share a warning. The promise was for 15meg of pdf on relationship building. As I was going on a train journey I thought I would … READ MORE »

The most irritating email marketing ploy

We’ve all heard it and probably all said it: ‘There is nothing worse than . . .’ Invariably it is wrong, as I can testify after rebreaking a toe about a week after I broke it originally. However, from my, regrettably, more experienced position, even I can understand some of the complaints about irritating email … READ MORE »

Double or single opt-in

It is an old argument in email marketing, and one that many thought had been settled long ago: whether to have single or double opt-in for your email marketing list.  The advantages and disadvantages of each are largely accepted. For single opt-in the benefits include more rapid list growth and no loss of subscribers due … READ MORE »


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