Email Design

Christmas Gifts

I bought all my Christmas presents by the middle of November. I am sad that way. I have a system, a sort of headings method, where the range of possible gifts are whittled down and I end up with limited choices. This might seem to lack any emotional content but recipients do seem pleased with … READ MORE »

Learning from Others’ Mistakes

Learning from your mistakes is a good policy. Learning from someone else’s mistakes is better, if only from a cost point of view. Bulk e-mail marketing is fraught enough without the added financial burden when you get it wrong. It is refreshing therefore when a company as big as Tesco, and you don’t get much … READ MORE »

Creating simple, yet effective marketing emails

We see on television daily examples of how to appear to be saying something useful whilst in fact obfuscating. Some politicians have brought this to an art form. They can speak for minutes when, in theory, answering a question but later review will show that they said nothing in reply. Email software encourages you to … READ MORE »

Email marketing: back to basics

As I write e-mail marketing articles I subscribe to dozens of lists and it can be an effort to read through them. Last year I made notes about which I liked and why. 1. Conform to the law: Customers are becoming more sophisticated and recognise those companies which ignore the requirements of the law. I … READ MORE »

Targeted email marketing tips

Targeted email marketing is seen as the safe way of going about our business but it is not. Safe is a misnomer: it is anything but. If you do not take risks then you are risking your company.  Any Google search using the words high street and closures will bring in hundreds of results. It … READ MORE »

What to consider before changing email

Email templates provide a straightforward, easy and cost effective way of producing emails that will sell. However, there is every probability that you will be tempted to customise them and the odds are you will give into this temptation. Here are some points to take into consideration before doing so. The email templates will have … READ MORE »

Consider your mobile audience

In the last three years I have gone from reading all my emails on desktop or laptop to perusing the majority first on a smartphone. Most importantly, I delete most emails on one as well. For email marketing to be effective we need to know who reads what, why and on which specific device. Smartphones, … READ MORE »

Use your imagination

You will have agonised over your offer price and then considered the best way of wording your presentation. When it comes to picking what images to insert in your email marketing template you will probably opt for something out of your stock images pile. There is little to criticise in this. The professionally produced images, … READ MORE »


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