
The Blessing Of Autoresponders

The blessing of autoresponders is that, once they are set up, all the work is done for you, apart from reviewing it periodically to ensure everything is going well. Whether it will be a success or not will depend on the way you’ve planned it. It need not take long, but it will take application. There are … READ MORE »

Images: Pretty But Not Stunning

I’ve just been to see the annual prize-winning images at a local photographic club. It was a treat, with some quite remarkable, and affecting, pictures that you might consider putting in your living room. They caught the attention with their composition, use of colour and subject matter. None, of course would be any use for … READ MORE »

Perfect Stock Image For Your Email Campaign

The cheapest method of sourcing images for email marketing campaigns is to take them yourself or have your staff do so, for suitable reward one hopes. You’ll eventually have quite a few to choose from, although, of course, they’ll lack that bit of professionalism you want to encourage. If you’ve got the budget, you might … READ MORE »

Subject Lines For Christmas Campaigns

You are probably as fed up with Black Friday and Cyber Monday email marketing campaigns as are the subscribers to your email marketing lists. They’ve probably been more stressed than you as they will have seen their preview pane a mess of Black, Cyber, Friday, Monday and Weeks. How did you do? Were you as … READ MORE »

7 Things Not To Do For Black Friday Campaigns

I have an email address that I use for subscribing to email marketing lists in order to discover the latest trends and see what works and what doesn’t. Over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday (hereinafter Black Friday) weekend, I discovered, with little surprise, that I had 17 emails which included the heading Black Friday. What chance … READ MORE »

The Inherent Danger Of Using Simple Targets

There’s a lot to be said for targets. With a clear goal, a team will have a focus they can concentrate on. There’s little doubt that having targets gives good results. After all, if your target is to increase open rates by 15% and you hit it, or even go slightly above it, you’ve made … READ MORE »

The Most Effective Way To Use Split Testing

You will have been told that you should test everything you do, and then test again. An email marketing campaign that doesn’t include a split test somewhere in it is a waste. You’ll never get that opportunity again. Split testing is a simple system of problem solving. You identify something that is of concern, for … READ MORE »

Can You Trust The Returns From A Split Test?

Split testing is just about as dependable a tool as we have for validating a change in an email marketing campaign. We have an original, the control, and we compare it to one, the variant, that has a single feature that is different from the control. It stands to reason that if the variant gives … READ MORE »

Why So Many Emails Go To Spam

  It’s what we all have done, are doing or will do; worrying about the proportion of marketing emails being classed as spam. Internet service providers have various ways of defining spam and the reason your latest email marketing campaign has fallen foul of so many is, to put it kindly, because it deserved it. … READ MORE »

The Problem With Image Heavy Emails

You probably think that if you pack your next email marketing campaign with images and little copy, it might well go to the spam folder, or even be bounced. To an extent you are correct. ISPs tend to bin image heavy marketing emails but there are simple, cheap and easy ways around the problem. Quite … READ MORE »


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