Email Campaign Management

Experimenting Can Be Fun

One essential in e-mail marketing is continuous improvement. Sooner or later, and most probably sooner, your competitors will catch up with you, probably by the simple procedure of copying. What works for you now will, most likely, hold you back in the future. We have discussed the ‘Subject’ and ‘From’ lines recently but, of course, … READ MORE »

Attention Grabbing ‘Subject’ Lines

The design of the ‘Subject’ line in direct email marketing will depend on the recipient to a great extent. If we take a subscriber who has been on your email marketing list for some time and is a regular, if intermittent, purchaser, then you will be aware what excites their interest. For those who have … READ MORE »

5 ‘Subject’ Lines

Whilst your regulars might well trust you to make them a relevant offer, for those new to your email marketing list, the ‘Subject’ line is probably the one on which the decision whether to open the email or not is based. In other words, this one bit of the email might well be the most … READ MORE »

The ‘From’ Line

Do you read the ‘From’ line first when looking at a marketing email? You do? Then welcome to the majority. Do you also often make the decision to delete the email based solely on that one, small item of information? If so, then you are not in a minority. Do you spend very little time … READ MORE »

8 Essential Considerations for the Perfect Email

Firstly, I'm not suggesting that there is such a thing as a universal email wizard that is perfect for all circumstances as your email marketing software will show that different people react differently. However, there are some universal considerations. If you take each one into account then you can create a marketing email that is … READ MORE »

Crafting The Perfect Email

An overview There cannot be a perfect marketing email in the sense that it could be the best possible for every customer or every business. Anyone with an email marketing list knows that those on it dictate an email’s make up. However, that does not preclude an email being the best for a particular sub-group … READ MORE »

A Better Way

Many, probably most, large companies have large customer relationship management (CRM) teams set up to, in essence, increase profits. A loyal customer is normally one who gives a better return on investment. You might think, however, that for a small company, struggling to survive in the ultra-competitive world of bulk email marketing, it is a … READ MORE »

Indulgent Email Marketing

I bought myself a present a couple of weeks ago via an email marketing offer. I am now the proud owner of a 3-terrabite, USB-3 (yes, I’m a bit of a nerd), external hard-drive complete with back-up software. It is not the most exciting item, but I am happy with it. The product had 5-star … READ MORE »

Price Isn’t Everything

Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) starts from the premise that price is not the sole reason a customer will pick one company over another. Given the rush to cut costs to the bone and the perceived need for dramatic offers in every email marketing campaign, this tends to go against accepted wisdom. But just run with … READ MORE »

Combating a High Unsubscribe Rate

If you have a spike in your unsubscribe rate, one that is not explained by your email marketing software, then it is time to be concerned. If you show that this spike is outside your normal variation then you need to take action. First the good news: if people are unsubscribing, at least they have … READ MORE »


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