Email Data

Depend On The Returns From Your Data

At the risk of stating the obvious, not to mention adding to the problem, reports suggest that, despite the much heralded recent upturn, consumer confidence in February was still low. It is of obvious concern to us in email marketing, but there are positives in the reported success of the vaccination programme. Up until January this … READ MORE »

Make A Subscriber Stop Scanning Copy

I have few claims to fame, none of which have made me famous. I was attacked by a snake for about 50 minutes, which is very handy if the conversation dies at a dinner party. I, quite naturally you will agree, feel that this is something which deserves recognition even if it showed a level … READ MORE »

How To Re-Engage Lapsed Subscribers?

I know someone who works with a charity that tries to divert youths on the cusp of a life of crime. It is a worthy project, as I’m sure you will agree. The person in charge has described their intent as attempting to discover as much about each individual as possible and then to evolve … READ MORE »

Keep Your Data Up-To-Date

There was a small group of us youngsters around a table in the college canteen when the most flamboyantly dressed among us got up to go to class. A student said to the table at large, “He’s so cool. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks about the way he dresses.” She was wrong of course. … READ MORE »

Encourage Ideas Even If They’re Off-The-Wall

I used to work with a company where a mistake at middle management level could end a career. It was a deliberate policy, the hope being to ensure only those who never made errors were promoted. That’s not how it turned out. Those who ended up pristine were either the best at covering their mistakes … READ MORE »

The Key To Success Is To Give Something Away

There has been a trend in the emails and newsletters over recent weeks, particularly noticeable since the start of the New Year, that shows there might be a sense of desperation in some companies. I’m getting marketing emails that are nothing more than adverts for websites. In other words, I’m given lists of products but … READ MORE »

Percentage Reduction or Price Reduction?

According to a television news programme, one of the major high street retailers is considering doing away with percentages when referring to reductions in pricing. It was not over the whole range; just about 50%. A quick perusal of their website shows that they haven’t yet entered wholeheartedly into a review of their price reductions. … READ MORE »


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