Tag: Copywriter

Follow Orwell When Writing Your Copy

Whether we should conform to the rules of English grammar in our email marketing copy is a question that comes up time and again. We work within constraints not suffered by most writers, so rules, both explicit and accepted, might not help us in our requirements. We are not short of advice. Here’s some more. … READ MORE »

Is Your Email Marketing Copy Boring?

Like a lot of writers, I regularly ask someone whose work I admire to check my copy. They don’t look for literals, poor grammar or the occasional over-used cliché, but instead read through a few randomly-selected submissions, not only for email marketing, and criticise them. It’s a bit of a risk, but only to my … READ MORE »

Cutting Email Marketing Copy Down To Size

One of the cherished exercises of those who run creative writing courses is to get the students to justify what a particular adjective or adverb, sentence or paragraph, adds to the sense of whatever it is the copy is about. It’s a useful exercise. Its strength lies in the fact that there is a promise, … READ MORE »

Make A Subscriber Stop Scanning Copy

I have few claims to fame, none of which have made me famous. I was attacked by a snake for about 50 minutes, which is very handy if the conversation dies at a dinner party. I, quite naturally you will agree, feel that this is something which deserves recognition even if it showed a level … READ MORE »

Coronavirus Mistakes In Email Marketing

Your inbox is probably full of marketing emails which, like mine, have a Subject Line that includes the word Coronavirus. I’d count mine, but what’s the point? There are so many that it seems pointless to open one, apart from to use as a basis for a blog. One of the most irritating mistakes in … READ MORE »

How To Find The Best Copywriter

If you’ve been writing your own copy since you started in email marketing, but now believe your time could be best spent doing your proper job, you’ll want a copywriter. There are lots out there. How difficult can it be to find the one you want? Evidently, it can be very difficult. There’s a lot … READ MORE »


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