
Using videos to reinforce trust

As a means of supporting any campaign, video ticks all the boxes. Whether being used on a website or for email marketing, used properly there is little doubt that it is a most effective way of hitting targets. There’s a caveat though; it must be used with care and restraint. All content is not equal … READ MORE »

Using testimonial videos in email marketing

We all search through reviews when subscribing to an email marketing list or considering buying a product from a new supplier. After all, there are some real crooks out there.  One of the most compelling forms of review is a testimonial where the person allows their name to be used. How much better is a … READ MORE »

Producing a testimonial video? We can help

Ten points to consider when producing a testimonial video for an email marketing campaign 1/ Don’t consider There’s no doubt of the effectiveness of testimonial videos, not only in email marketing, but on websites as well. One on a landing page can negate that hesitation before clicking on ‘buy’. 2/ It’s about what you want … READ MORE »

How colour can be used to influence readers

I am, like around 8% of European males, partially colour-blind. In women, the rate is considerably lower, at around 0.5%. On top of that, there are many different kinds of colour blindness. You might be wondering whether there’s any point in trying to influence subscribers to your email marketing list with colour when there are … READ MORE »

The psychology of colour use in email design

The magic of colour is that you do not know how another person sees it. You can’t even describe a colour without reference to itself. Yet you need to crack colour psychology as, according to research, for those viewing a marketing email, 62% to a remarkable, stunning in fact, 90% of viewers make subconscious decisions … READ MORE »

Segment lists using subscriber lifestyle

Everyone has their preferred method of segmenting email marketing lists, be it age, location, purchasing history or [put your favoured way here]. How about trying a more sophisticated method, one that often gives a better ROI. The evidence strongly suggests that splitting email marketing lists according to the lifecycle of subscribers is one of the … READ MORE »

Keeping those on your email lists happy

We’ve mentioned how to gain subscribers to your email marketing lists and you will, no doubt, be less than pleased to discover that it is only half the battle, and the easier one. Once you’ve got them, you need stratagems aimed at ensuring they stay. In normal circumstances it is better to highlight worthwhile procedures … READ MORE »


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