
Do something about your email marketing lists

The festivities are over and your New Year promise to go to the gym every morning is, thankfully, a fading nightmare. But what of your resolution to ‘do something’ about your email marketing lists? Now that you have more free mornings, it’s a good time to start honing your biggest asset into a sharp tool. … READ MORE »

Calendar for Brexit and UK email marketing

The promise of Happy New Year might seem to be ironic for those involved in email marketing. Looming over everything is the spectre of Brexit and its fallout. It’s worrying for everyone, including those who are hopeful of a clean break. After all, none of us know what is going to happen.  The calendar, as … READ MORE »

Email marketing in the event of a no deal Brexit

As nothing has been decided yet, there might seem little point in an article on what will happen on 29 March to the email marketing industry in this country. However, some things are clear; there are three options ‘on the table’. There might be more but let’s go through the main ones. No Brexit If … READ MORE »

GDPR and how it does not affect Christmas

I know you are not that interested in my problems, not with Christmas coming and not knowing if Brexit is, but getting known as a writer on the GDPR and email marketing has a certain downside this time of the year. I’m being pointed to as the bloke who told the headmistress of my grandchildren’s … READ MORE »

Coping with conflicting demands for email

Email marketing works. The facts are unarguable so most departments will want to use it in their campaigns. There’s little cost and their budget will be able to cope. One problem is that there are constraints not fully understood by those who are not specialists.  As companies become larger, various specialities tend to separate and … READ MORE »

Advertise for free and gain subscribers

One of the requirements of email marketing is to give things away. It is the single most effective tool for gaining subscribers to an email marketing list. It’s refreshing to know that there are lots of free ways for us to access advertising to increase our return on investment. There are methods that you are, … READ MORE »

Winning with email marketing loyalty programmes

It will come as no surprise that it can cost more than five times as much to acquire a subscriber to your email marketing list than to sell to an existing one. Or, to put it another way, a customer loyalty programme pays for itself.  It is not simply a case of giving regular customers … READ MORE »

Password protect your email marketing lists

There are no specified requirements in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) regarding passwords. This is not necessarily the good news that it might seem initially. If there were detailed requirements then all you would have to do is to conform to them and everything would be fine. The lack of precision means that critical decisions … READ MORE »

Planning your next email marketing campaign

There is no single method of planning an email marketing campaign that will suit everyone. We all want to make money but that’s a bit too vague to be useful. A plan has to be bespoke, specific to you and the product. A simple generic method that works for us all is to start at … READ MORE »

The dangers of green claims in email marketing

Accept that email marketing pollutes. Whilst you might recycle everything you can, you can’t recycle everything. That is the best any us can do. If you do your best, then tell your customers.  There was a spate of companies suggesting they were green a few years ago but most, 95% according to some reports, were … READ MORE »


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