Email Design

Landing Page Images; Expansion Not Repetition

Many email marketing companies use the same image, or one very similar, on the landing page as on the marketing email, yet normally opt for different copy for the change in function. This shows one of two truths: either the original image or the one on the landing page is not optimal. They have different … READ MORE »

Emotional Response From Landing Page Image

The suggestion is that our brain processes images many times, many thousands of times, faster than copy. So let’s concentrate on landing page images. Your marketing email has made your subscriber aware that you have a solution to a problem they may or may not have been aware that they had. They’ve clicked through to … READ MORE »

Using The Expertise Of Magazine Publishers

The process of publishing a periodical is very similar to that of email marketing. We can learn from it. Publishers receive feedback from unsold magazines, albeit a couple of months after that particular issue was sent to the printers. They need to grab a passing customer’s attention, using images and words to get them to … READ MORE »

What Makes An Effective Email Marketing Image?

It is common advice that when selecting an image for an email marketing campaign you should not go for one merely because you find it attractive. After all, you are not trying to sell to yourself. An image should catch the attention of a subscriber just long enough to ensure they do not to click … READ MORE »

An Inspired Choice Of Image

There seems to be an increasing use of stock images on marketing emails and newsletters. I’ve nothing against them. If you lack the ability or facilities to produce stunning images that will help convert a campaign, then the options are rather limited. But that’s no excuse for uninspired images. A bare picture of the product … READ MORE »

Impressions From Your Email Campaign

I was once tested to be a presenter on TV. Nothing dramatic, just the occasional few seconds on local news giving brief bits of information to people who were not really interested. We were given a list of things to consider. They were not necessarily what you might think would concern a presenter. I did … READ MORE »

Building Positive Emotion In Email Marketing

I write about a form of advertising and research it; I subscribe to a number of email marketing lists, most of which I would not have bothered with even if I had more money. I know which are effective. I can see when they’ve targeted their email well. I read them through, concentrating on method, … READ MORE »

Email Marketing Is Selling Happiness

I hate to break it to you, but what we do is simply advertising. That we do it online with our customers subscribing to email marketing lists and, critically, willingly sharing their personal details, in no way changes that fact. Bring back sales staff from the 1980s and they will recognise what we do instantly, … READ MORE »

There Are No Rules When Writing Email Copy

In my early days of copy writing I did a bit of proofreading for email marketing and newsletters. It’s a painful way to get your name known. It is also quite boring due to how repetitive it was; the same mistakes were made time and again.  For the English language to retain its edge, it needs … READ MORE »

Using Humour In An Email Marketing Campaign

The film Gattaca had four letters, ATGC, highlighted on posters and the title sequence. I found it graphically jarring. I was told later, by a rather smug IT-type, the letters were, pause for a little titter, the initials of the building four blocks of DNA, and the design was rather ‘clever’. It seemed I was … READ MORE »


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