Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

10 ways to segment your email marketing list

Simple segmentation tips that will help you figure out your subscribers: 10/ By demographics Most subscribers can be usefully divided by age, gender, location, position in company, etc. These are more or less static criteria and define a customer with a very broad brush. If you are just starting out in email marketing then such … READ MORE »

Segregation of email marketing lists and beyond

We have mentioned before that segregating email marking lists is the quickest route to better returns. Research shows it will improve, amongst other returns, open rates, completion rates and unsubscribes. It also ensures that you don’t waste a window by sending a general, untargeted offer. There are a number of straightforward ways you can split … READ MORE »

Email marketing and genders

With International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day occurring within the last week or so now is probably the time to discuss gender issues in email marketing. The differences between men and women would appear to run deeper than most of us realise. When planning a marketing email it doesn’t matter whether this is through nature … READ MORE »

Men, Women & Email marketing

Knowing whether someone is a man or woman is of real benefit, some say essential, in email marketing because it allows you to focus on the design of the email among all other essential components. You might think at the time of International Women’s Day that the gender of your subscribers should be irrelevant. That … READ MORE »

The line between irritation and satisfaction

One of the most significant risks you take when sending a marketing email is to be irritating. Most subscribers will take the rough with the smooth but limits are often low and easily reached. The difficult thing is to know what might wind them up the wrong way. Ask yourself what irritates you, makes you … READ MORE »

10 Email marketing turnoffs and some more

Don’t be irritating. This is sound advice for everyone in all walks of life and for all purposes. However, it is especially applicable to email marketing. If the phrase ‘there’s nothing worse than’ is used for any aspect of an email marketing campaign of yours, then you are doing something wrong. More to the point, … READ MORE »

Eight ways of increasing open rates

If you ask someone engaged in email marketing what their major concern is, the majority of times they will say it is their open rate. All rather odd as they must realise that the completion rate is the only one that matters. With that caveat, here are some pointers on to how to increase your … READ MORE »

Pressures on open rates

Anyone concerned about open rates would look first to the Subject Line. They might consider being a bit more familiar or think that a more ‘in-your-face’ explanation of the offer might work. However, every aspect of email marketing is interconnected and if your open rate suddenly drops, the most likely cause are your previous email … READ MORE »

Beyond your email marketing software

A recent article covered surveys and it was mentioned that there are some questions that are best answered by your email marketing software and the returns from your campaigns, and others where the information has to be gleaned elsewhere. One complements the other and you need to work out the best one to use to … READ MORE »

Questions, questions & email marketing data

In a recent blog we mentioned surveys as a way of collating information about your subscribers or targets which would not be so easily obtained via returns from your email marketing software. What questions to ask is the critical point in all of this. You do not want to waste your time asking for something … READ MORE »


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