Tag: Email Marketing Campaign

Child safety in a digital world

Rumours can hurt your email marketing campaign. Whilst whether Freddie Starr did indeed eat a hamster might not concern everyone, when we are told that our kettles are spying on us as they are connected to the internet, can we dismiss it as easily? After all, there are microphones and video cameras in children’s toys. … READ MORE »

How to keep children safe at Christmas?

Those on your email marketing lists will have a certain degree of trust in your company, almost by definition. If you are deceitful there is always the unsubscribe button to show their dissatisfaction. So how much emphasis should you place on any inherent risks with a product you sell?  There has been a lot in … READ MORE »

Keeping ahead in mobile email marketing

Email marketing is just like having children; as one problem is solved another is revealed. We all know than mobiles are the main medium for opening emails so we can be confident that we should design our websites and emails for mobile devices. Unfortunately such a significant change means that all the truths that have … READ MORE »

Putting people off buying

I subscribe to a variety of email marketing lists purely for research purposes; some professional, some not so much. I’ve occasionally bought an item and this means I share the frustrations of the buying public when I come across poor designs and procedures. It makes me wonder how these companies continue in business.  It is … READ MORE »

Abandoned shopping carts

Your email marketing campaign is a triumph. Your click-through rate is the best you’ve ever had. Yet it was all wasted because of the high number of abandoned shopping carts. Don’t despair; most problems are easily fixed and with some careful changes your rate could drop considerably.  A report suggests the average rate of abandonment … READ MORE »


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