
Essentials for your next email subject line

What makes you pull a book from the shelves of Waterstones? All you have to go on are the title, author and publisher yet, after a quick perusal, you will be able to pick a book that, even if you do not buy it, it will probably interest you. You can see why authors will … READ MORE »

Look to other professions for subject lines

I’ve mentioned before, and will mention again, that in order to get ahead of your competitors you must go outside of email marketing to look for ideas that might work for you. Take Subject Lines.  I’ve just written a book and I’m struggling, as always, to come up with the perfect title. It is non-fiction … READ MORE »

Create lists for your summer email campaigns

Have you ever forgotten the obvious items you needed for a holiday? It’s a rhetorical question of course. Who hasn’t started out for the beach looking for a shop that sells sun cream at a price which won’t make you turn red in the face? This is a gap that email marketing can fill.  I’ll … READ MORE »

Is it beneficial to follow email design trends?

Even if you seek out trends in email marketing design in the hope they will give you some idea of what’s ‘in’ at the moment, you might have overlooked the various annual graphic design awards. As an example of self-indulgence they are nowhere near that of the Oscars, but there does seem to be an … READ MORE »

Is there a perfect typeface for email marketing?

Is now the right time for you to change the branding for your email marketing campaigns? There should always be a reason for change, but given the number of free email marketing templates you have available, if you have been running with the same old predictable appearance for email after email, that is probably reason … READ MORE »

Email marketing and the rise of veganism

The first thing to do is not panic. The figures suggest that just 3% of the adult population is vegan. However, the numbers are increasing, and you should monitor how they change. Tesco’s own brand of vegan foods, rather oddly named Wicked Kitchen, has been going for over a year. It proudly states on its … READ MORE »

Is Email Marketing Okay For Vegans?

Veganism has largely passed me by. There’s little on the subject in the reports on specialist email marketing sites. However, it was brought home to me this Easter, almost literally.  A friend of mine is in the process of having his kitchen refitted and we offered him and his family a cooked lunch and dinner on … READ MORE »

Targeting your campaign using age alone

I have a neighbour who is 67. He’s grey-haired, a bit overweight and is often seen pushing his youngest grandchild around in a wheelchair. This year he will drive in a motor race for the first time. He says that he’s not your typical grandad, but then, no one is. We use many ways to … READ MORE »

The value of being moral in email marketing

There can be few who haven’t opened a kitchen cupboard, found an item they haven’t used for years, and wondered, “Why on earth did I buy that?” It is proof, if that was needed, that customers do not buy with carefully constructed logic. It might have been an impulse buy or it could have been … READ MORE »


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