Email Marketing

Email Marketing Blog by Wizemail

Support your writers

If your company is ambitious then you will have someone who is the dedicated writer for email marketing campaigns. This might be someone remote although many are now opting for in-house. Whilst writers are not delicate, they are a big investment so to get your money’s worth, take care of them. The first step in … READ MORE »

Help for the transition to GDPR

The GDPR created a new position; the Data Protection Officer. Whilst the vast majority of email marketing companies are not required to have one, it is a requirement for local authorities and those processing specified types of data, see here, you might think that the position would be useful, especially during the transition period. The … READ MORE »

Manage your post-GDPR email marketing lists

I’ve received a number of emails recently where I’ve been asked to check my permission levels with regards to receiving emails. I’ve had five in three days. Notably, they had, in the main, been from companies whose email marketing lists I’ve subscribed to for some years. Why this current fear? A rhetorical question of course … READ MORE »

Subscribers and your email marketing lists

The headline is not hyperbole, nor is it an exaggeration. It is not even a sub-editor working with a hangover. It is true. Remarkably, the person who causes some subscribers to leave will be you. You have already formed the opinion that it is all down to the GDPR and to an extent you are … READ MORE »

Do you need to assign a Data Protection Officer?

The good news is that you almost certainly do not. There is no requirement for a Data Protection Officer (DPO) just for email marketing lists and various HR functions unless you are a public authority, track online behaviour or process special categories. If in doubt go to:  So that’s it, you might think; no wasted … READ MORE »

SEO – Google and email marketing

How did you first find this site? Perhaps you entered something like ‘free email marketing templates’ into a Google search and then, going by the meta description, thought you’d give us a try. It’s the way of the internet world.  You will be wondering how you can work your way up the rankings to get … READ MORE »

Targeted imagery in email marketing

When I was a young, aspiring writer I knew the first names of editors but was frightened of using them. My rejection rate gradually dropped as I fathomed what each one favoured. I was targeting my submissions before email marketing was invented. My next step was to predict the style of image each editor would … READ MORE »

Email marketing companies friends with Google

A well run website can be the best generator for subscribers to email marketing lists. It is nothing without visitors though and Google SEO rankings are of concern to us all. Websites need constant care and fettling but it is not something to be passed to IT and forgotten. It is a responsibility of all … READ MORE »


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