Tag: Click-through

The Inherent Danger Of Using Simple Targets

There’s a lot to be said for targets. With a clear goal, a team will have a focus they can concentrate on. There’s little doubt that having targets gives good results. After all, if your target is to increase open rates by 15% and you hit it, or even go slightly above it, you’ve made … READ MORE »

Maximise Your Email Marketing Returns

The best thing about email marketing is, in some respects, its very worst factor. You were, no doubt, excited at the prospect of lots and lots of data from the returns of a campaign. Then it cascaded in and you had no idea what to do with it all. Understanding what the various terms mean … READ MORE »

Using Landing Pages To Improve Conversion

You might well be like the rest us. We all feel overwhelmed by the returns from email marketing campaigns. Even concentrating on one aspect, such as landing page returns, can still make you wonder what on earth you’re supposed to do with all the data. The difference between email marketing and most other forms is the … READ MORE »

No One Got Rich By Giving Things Away 

  You can’t argue against it. It’s obvious that selling products at a loss does nothing for your ROI, at least not directly. Yet email marketing companies do it. Not only that, the most successful seem to do it more than the others. Therefore, they must have their reasons. For research purposes I subscribed to … READ MORE »

Too much choice in email marketing?

I intended to buy a rather expensive item. I researched what was available, read the brochures, and, with girded loins to protect me, I invited my chosen company to send a representative. She left without me having signed on the bottom line and my reasons provide learning points for email marketing. Unknown to me the … READ MORE »

How to gather information on subscribers

Just think what you could do if the amount of information you have on your friends is replicated in the data you have on the subscribers to your email marketing list. Those who are close to you might have told you their likes, but you gained most of the information watching them. The details we … READ MORE »

Generating metrics for segmentation

We all could do with more metrics for segmentation in email marketing campaigns. You might well feel frustrated at the rate at which the information comes to you. However, there are ways to encourage subscribers to give you more information. There are, I am informed, two types of people who buy software: those who consider what … READ MORE »

The basics of email marketing landing pages

There’s a maxim in chess, often repeated to beginners, although it goes for all levels: every move you make must threaten the opposition’s king. Some moves will do so indirectly, especially the better the player gets.  In email marketing, everything you place on the landing page must be directed towards ensuring a customer acts in … READ MORE »


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