Email Campaign Management

Ensuring visitors to your website remain there

Your email marketing campaigns must be integrated. Failing to use all your available resources is a recipe for being an also-ran. One of your greatest assets for all sorts of reasons is your website, or if you are a bit canny, websites. We all know the main reason browsers abandon websites: slow to load, too … READ MORE »

Get your website ready for Christmas now

The garden centre I went to on Sunday had its gas-fired BBQs on offer, a sure sign that Christmas is on the horizon. It is the same for anyone involved in email marketing. Now is the time to clean your website to ensure it is in optimum condition. This is not a simple case of … READ MORE »

Thinking outside the email marketing box

There’s probably a saying, no doubt wrongly attributed to the Chinese, that if you think the same as everyone around you, they and you are wrong. (I’ve Googled without success.) Whilst it is a bit shallow, there’s more than a grain of truth in it. It especially goes for email marketing. I’m a great believer … READ MORE »

Images for SEO will help email marketing

We’ve recently covered image tags in a marketing email. Accessibility is probably the prime reason for adding them. Failure to do so will cost you subscribers. Whilst there is argument as to how much value you get from Goggle image search for pictures on a website, everyone agrees there is a benefit. In other words, … READ MORE »

SEO tips for Google image search

One of the most difficult questions to answer with any degree of accuracy is: What are the benefits of optimising pictures on websites for Google image search. That Google wants it to be important is evidenced by the fact that they have published guidance on the subject:  There’s little doubt that there was a … READ MORE »

Check your email and landing page design

On advanced motorcycling courses riders are taught to have a final look, over their shoulder or along a road, before performing a manoeuvre. This is called, without any over-dramatisation, the life-saver. A final check of a marketing email or landing page is somewhat similar. Go through it systematically. It is all too easy to become … READ MORE »

A quick way to check email marketing copy

Whether you have a professional copy writer or you do it in-house, you should always complete a final check of a marketing email, and landing page come to that, before going live. There is one fail-safe way of doing so. I used to check official documentation, material that might go before a court or be … READ MORE »

Landing page design

You will have designed a top-class marketing email. The customer will have been captivated by your offer. They have clicked through to a landing page. Ask yourself what they will want to be presented with. I prefer a clear and uncluttered design of marketing email and, more importantly, the landing page as well. Call me … READ MORE »

The basics of email marketing landing pages

There’s a maxim in chess, often repeated to beginners, although it goes for all levels: every move you make must threaten the opposition’s king. Some moves will do so indirectly, especially the better the player gets.  In email marketing, everything you place on the landing page must be directed towards ensuring a customer acts in … READ MORE »


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